"In order to write about life, first you must live it." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Author: Christine Molloy (Page 33 of 43)

Nor’easter 2011 ~ Part Two: Nine Days

You can read Part One of this blog entry here: Nor’easter 2011 ~ Part One: Survival

We had hope after seeing our precious home all in one piece, but the aftermath from the storm was just beginning. It became quickly apparent to us that it would not be feasible on that day to live in our house. Access to the house was difficult at best and since we had lost power, we had no heat or water. Although we had a fireplace, I knew staying there would be extremely difficult for me since the cold (45-50 degrees) temperature of the house would affect not only my joints, but the Raynaud’s symptoms I was experiencing as well. There was also concern over the fireplace affecting my asthma. After weighing our options, Chuck and I decided to go to my brother’s condo which was a few towns over. His two bedroom home was going to be cramped with both of us, my brother, and my parents (who were also displaced) being there, but at this point, it was our best option. Luckily, our dog sitter was able to obtain a generator for her home and she agreed to keep our dog Molly with her for as long as we needed.

Trying to get down this road the morning after the storm.

Although Chuck was optimistic about how long our power would be out, I was not. Just from looking at the damage to the trees, wires, and telephone poles, I knew it would be several days before services would be restored.

Several days?
It was nine.
Nine days.
Nine days of uncertainty. Nine days of living out of a duffel bag. Nine days of traveling back and forth from wherever I was staying back to Belchertown. Nine days of trying to manage my autoimmune illness without the tools I needed. Nine days of conflict, worry, and stress.

The days immediately after the storm were like nothing I had ever experienced. Although we were able to hear from all of our family members, the same could not be said for our friends, especially the friends who were at the church with us that Saturday night for the play. Cell service (except for occasional texting) was down for about 24-48 hours and landline as well as internet communication was non-existent for many people. As we drove through Belchertown and other surrounding communities those first two days after the storm, nothing appeared to exist as it previously had. Supermarkets were partially lit on generator and open for nonperishable food only. Cashiers wore winter coats over their clothes. Access to gas was a serious problem and wait times at the gas pump could be as long as an hour. Schools were closed indefinitely. Shelters were set up in many communities for people who did not have an alternative place to live. Many people could not go to work due to massive power outages throughout New England. Life as we knew it had changed.

The red circled area is the massive power outage on the east coast

When an event of this magnitude occurs, oftentimes people feel isolated and disconnected. Although I was staying with various family members throughout the week,  I still felt very disconnected from my community and the world in general. It was posted on Facebook a few days after the storm that the parish hall at my church would be open as a shelter during the day. I clearly remember the first day I went to spend some time in the warm parish hall. I had been at my house for about an hour getting some clean clothes and necessities as well as checking on the house. Then I went to the church. I was so exhausted, in pain, and frustrated with still not having power. I walked up the steps into the parish hall and there was my minister, with a smile and a hug. All of a sudden, I felt reconnected. I felt like I was home again.

There were a lot of other emotions I felt that week that I was not used to experiencing or at least not experiencing so intensely. Anger…fear…helplessness. As the days continued on, the biggest issue contributing to all these emotions was the inability to get our power restored. The storm was on a Saturday. Fallen trees were not removed from our road until Wednesday and we did not see a single utility worker until Friday. Every time I would drive down the road, I would hold my breath in the hopes of seeing a truck from National Grid (the power company for my town) working on the lines but for five days, there was nobody. There are many theories as to why this situation happened the way it did. Some people say the storm was so devastating and covered such a large area, that it was impossible to get power restored quickly. Other people were saying that National Grid was unprepared for managing a disaster. Now looking back, I personally feel that it was a combination of those two factors. The reality was that at the end of the day, it didn’t matter the reasons. I was still homeless.

  I knew everyone I cared about was safe. I knew my home was intact. But as the days went by, I became more and more desperate to return to my routine. I missed my dog. I missed sleeping in the same bed as my boyfriend, who had decided to start sleeping back at the house in order to keep an eye on our house. Things were not the way they were supposed to be. I was baffled with myself because I was so fortunate in that we were not injured, our home was not destroyed, and I had a warm place to stay at night. What right did I have to feel so upset?

What I came to realize over the course of those nine days is that I had every right to be upset with the situation. My safety had been threatened. My home had been threatened. My overall wellbeing had been threatened. I was a victim of a natural disaster.


This is not a word I like to associate with myself but that did not make it any less accurate. We were all victims on that fateful day in October when Mother Nature decided to take her fury to New England. But the residents of Belchertown, Massachusetts, and all the other areas hit by this devastating storm became more than victims. We became survivors, in every sense of the word. We stood by each other as best as we knew how with what we had. We gave refuge to each other. Sometimes that came in the form of a warm place to sleep at night. Sometimes it can in the form of a hot meal after eating packaged food for days. Sometimes it came in the form of a hug or a safe place to cry. I know in the town of Belchertown, I felt, as I have in the past, a feeling of community.

Our road (Route 9) two days after the storm

It has now been twenty hours since the power to our house has been restored. Twenty hours since I returned home and got my life back. But not exactly back to the life I knew. It’s a little different now. The shower feels hotter. The bed feels more comforting. The trees in our yard give me pause now.

I am a little more vulnerable than I used to be.
More humble.
More appreciative.
All because of nine days.

Nor’easter 2011 ~ Part One: Survival

“If you have a major disaster involving hundreds of thousands, or in this case millions of people, whether it be a natural disaster or an act of terrorism, the first 72 hours are going to be totally chaotic no matter what you plan to do.” ~ Warren Rudman

We went out that night, despite the weather warnings of a significant snowstorm. Snowstorms in New England are not a novelty. Seen one snowstorm, you’ve seen them all is my thought. I was involved in our church’s production of the popular play “Our Town” that evening and as they say, the show had to go on. The cast had been rehearsing for weeks and this particular Saturday night was the last performance. I probably would have given anything to stay home that night due to a recent flare up of my autoimmune symptoms and from keeping a more hectic pace than usual over the past few weeks. But I had committed myself to the show and I was determined to see it through to the end.

It began to snow around 2pm that afternoon and as I got ready to be at the church for 6pm, I kept telling myself that soon I would be able to be at home and snuggled in my bed. I had nothing scheduled or planned over the next several days, except for Sunday church service, and I could get some rest which would hopefully help alleviate some of my symptoms. I had decided to send my dog to the dog sitter’s house overnight since we would be away from home for longer than usual that day. Little did I know that I would not see her again for five days.

During that afternoon and evening, the winter storm blew through parts of New England causing widespread devastation. Snow total amounts in Western Massachusetts varied between 10 and 30 inches. Trees were still loaded with leaves; therefore the snow and wind caused damage similar to a hurricane, rather than a snowstorm.  While we were inside the church entertaining about fifty to sixty people and putting on a great performance, unbeknownst to us, our small town was being ravaged by the storm to a degree that none of us could have anticipated.

We decided to postpone our cast party after the performance that evening and got into our cars to make the slow journey home. As Chuck (my boyfriend) and I drove at a snail’s pace through the center of town, I started to get the eerie feeling that this was not just a typical snowstorm. Everything was pitch black; the signs for the stores, the traffic lights, and the street lights, everything. It was difficult to even navigate ourselves through the familiar streets without our usual landmarks and traffic signals to guide us. Since we only live about seven minutes from the church though, I figured if we took our time, we would make it home eventually.

That was, until we came to our road, which is actually a main state route that traverses the length of Massachusetts (Route 9). Cars were backed up in front of us although initially, we could not determine why. Cars that were coming towards us in the opposite lane skidded this way and that way, narrowly avoiding crashing into us. Some cars were abandoned right in the middle of the road. To say the road conditions were treacherous would be an understatement. The road was pitch black and with limited visibility. Tree limbs and whole trees themselves were falling onto the road. We couldn’t go forward and we couldn’t go back. As we eventually moved a little further along the road, we were told by another motorist that one of the trees had fallen across the road onto a car and there was no way through. There were no police or emergency personnel. Vehicles were turning around and heading back towards town, which was delaying the traffic. Cars without four wheel drive were requiring several people to push the vehicle up the hill. At that point, we turned around in the road and began heading back towards town.

As we waited for each car to be pushed up the hill, I sat there with my heart racing. Very few times in my life have I ever been that scared. Why? Because we were sitting ducks. As we idled on the narrow road with guardrails on each side, we could hear the cracking of the trees and their limbs. I kept my right hand on the car door handle and put my legs in a position to enable me to quickly exit the car should a tree start falling down on our SUV. Chuck kept his eye on the road while I kept my eyes on the trees around us.

Luckily I had posted on Facebook via my cell phone that we were having difficulty in order to warn others who may be heading down our road. A friend of mine, who lived back in the center of town, responded that although she had no power, she had running water and a gas fireplace. More importantly, it was a safe place for us to spend the night. We precariously made our way to her house and over an hour later, thanked our lucky stars for having made it to her home safely.

Our road (Route 9) two days after the storm

 The next morning we attempted to make our way back to our home, initially with no success. We were also low on gas in my car (I know, my mother always yells at me for keeping my gas tank too low!) and then realized exactly what a tough situation we were in. Nobody had power in town; gas stations, ATMs, restaurants, convenience stores, NOBODY! We decided to try and head towards Amherst, which is the next town over, and were shocked at what we saw. Fallen trees, snapped utility poles, fallen power lines, abandoned cars. Everywhere. At some points, we actually had to do a bit of off roading with my SUV in order to get over to the next town. Luckily we did find a gas station to fill up at one hour later where it was widespread panic. People were grabbing nonperishable goods off the shelves as they didn’t know when they would be able to gain access again to a store. ATM machines at the gas pumps were sporadically working. We realized that we only had $45 in cash between the two of us for god knows how long and we were trying to figure out the best way to use it. Eventually we got one of our credit cards to work at the pump and we tucked the $45 away hoping it would be enough to see us through if we had no access to banks or ATMs over the next several days.

We then decided to try and make our way to our home from the opposite end of Route 9 which was the road the gas station was on. Luckily our dog was not home alone (so glad I booked that dog sitter!), but I had none of my medications and we feared the worse had happened to our home. We live on a lot surrounded by large oak and pine trees and all I could envision was one on top of our home. Both Chuck and I had spent some time back in June doing some relief work in a nearby community that was struck by a tornado and the images of those obliterated homes was all my mind could see.

As we drove further down Route 9 towards our home, we were stopped at a road closed sign by a town police officer who instructed us that we could not continue down the road. I got out of the car and told him that I needed to get medications, especially since the stores were all closed. After giving us specific instructions about how to deal with fallen power lines, he allowed us through the blockade to go as far as our car would let us. He told us we may need to walk a part of the way. My Kia Sportage got a work out that day, but held steadfast as it swerved around downed power lines and large trees to deliver us right to the top of our driveway. It was so strange to leave our car right in a road that usually sees traffic zooming by at 50mph. Now, the usually busy road looked like a path through an area of dense woods.

As we approached our property, I could barely hold back the tears. They say that when a disaster strikes, the most important thing is that you and your loved ones are safe. While this is true, it is also traumatic to be dealing with the possibility of where you call your home no longer existing or being severely damaged. Where would we go if we couldn’t live there? What if our safe haven in this world was no longer? I could see Chuck tense up as we got closer. This house was so important to him. They say that a house is just a building but it wasn’t. It was our home.

Our home was still there. And in one piece. Relief flooded my body. There were more trees down than I could count, but the house was intact. There was hope…..

Photos Courtesy of Chuck Myers/Christine Molloy

Ravaged Massachusetts

Quick post from storm ravaged Massachusetts.

On Saturday October 29th, a major winter storm hit New England and has literally paralyzed many areas of this part of the country. The area I live in, which is Western Massachusetts, saw about a foot of snow which while not unheard of around here, the damage it has brought is unusual. Because of the storm’s early arrival, leaves were still on trees and most of the western part of the state, as well as other areas of New England, have lost power due to fallen trees. After driving around this area hunting for gas and food over the past few days, I am shocked that more people were not injured or killed. There has been one death that I am aware of related to this storm.

That was three days ago. I am forty years old and have never experienced anything like this. It is difficult to find gas in this area and food is limited to non-perishables at stores with no power. Some areas are slowly having power restored thanks to the efforts of our local power companies as well as many out-of-state companies. However the damage is great due to the amount of downed trees and power lines. Communication is difficult however appears to be improving very slowly.

My boyfriend and I are fortunate because I know one person who did not lose power through the grace of God. We have been staying at my brother’s house about 25 minutes away from us. Our home has no heat, electricity, or running water (we have a well) therefore we are quite grateful to be here. Our dog Molly was spending an overnight with a dog sitter Saturday night until Sunday afternoon. Thank God she was there because we were unable to get back to our home Saturday night and have not been able to stay at our house since. Our dog sitter also lost power but she got a generator and has agreed to keep Molly with them until we can bring her back home. The circumstances at my brother’s home make it difficult to have her here as my parents are also camping out here during the day. I am so grateful for this dog sitter.

We were finally able to get to our home after the police gave us permission to drive down to the house to get my medications, clothes, etc. Then yesterday Chuck and I went back to make the driveway accessible and clean up some trees. The house is in one piece. The worst thing that happened was we lost a good majority of our perishable food and will probably lose the fish tank.

I plan to write more about the experience in the near future but the shoveling I did yesterday (Chuck was doing trees), sleeping on an air mattress for several nights, the change in my environment (i.e. dryness factor), and overall stress has made an already existing autoimmune flare worse. I have no access to my acupuncturist right now for obvious reasons so I caved and took some narcotics and am going to try and get some rest in my brother’s bed while he is at work and Chuck is at work. I am hoping later today or more likely tomorrow to get to my dog sitter’s house to spend some time with Molly. Meanwhile, we wait for the power to be restored and for life to return to a more normal state. We also sit in the great appreciation of how fortunate we are.

Drugs and Money

“Competition makes things come out right. Well, what does that mean in health care? More hospitals so they compete with each other. More doctors compete with each other. More pharmaceutical companies. We set up war. Wait a minute, let’s talk about the patient. The patient doesn’t need a war.” ~ Donald Berwick 

I am more disgusted than usual with the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries lately. Health care in this country is dictated by politics and money which of course in no way benefits the patient. However in an attempt to turn negative experiences into constructive information that may help other people, I am going to try and make this a blog entry more about empowering other consumers and less about my rant regarding the terrible demise of health care in this country. Because except for being an active, registered voter, I feel powerless about changing the health care situation in this country. However I do have some control over figuring out how to get my medical needs met and then passing that information on to other consumers.

I have a prescription steroid inhaler that has a copay of $50 per month which is considerably more than other inhalers on the market. The reason I need this particular inhaler is because it is the only steroid inhaler on the market for my autoimmune induced asthma that has been documented to not cause a fungal infection of the mouth called thrush. When using previous inhalers, I have had a terrible time with thrush spreading into my esophagus and causing complications which have included difficulty swallowing. Then I have to take potent antifungal medication to clear the infection. Since starting this new inhaler (Alvesco), I have been thrush free. This new inhaler is much more expensive and I think part of this is due to the fact that it is the only one like it on the market.

$50 may not seem like a lot to spend on something that works so well, but it is when you are on a fixed income, you have at least seven other prescriptions, and you spend approximately twenty-five percent of your income on medical care every single month. An income that is only sixty percent of what it used to be three years ago. I am not revealing all this information because I want my readers to feel bad for me. I actually hesitate to reveal these details because sometimes people (i.e. my well intentioned brother) take these comments as a statement that I do not have enough money to survive. So let me just clarify that I can manage. We all have to make choices in life and I manage because I make my medical expenses a priority. I get by month to month because I always look for the best ways to manage my medical costs and I am very good at managing my finances. I manage month to month because I am fortunate enough to share living expenses with someone who is always looking out for my best interests. I am quite blessed because I have a family behind me who would never let me go without a necessary medication and would do everything in their power to pool resources to make sure I have what I need. I know that there are patients out there who have no health insurance and minimal available resources to them.

But here’s the thing. I am fiercely independent now. Although getting sick and incurring these medical expenses is not my fault, it is my responsibility to figure out how to pull my weight in order for my boyfriend and I to manage our expenses. So when my steroid inhaler dose got increased recently and the insurance company started charging me a double copay every month ($100), I couldn’t just sit by and say “oh well, that’s how it works.” Because I never know when another unexpected medical expense is going to come from around the corner.

So what did I do? Well, I started by complaining about it on Facebook. This was a good idea because there were people on my friend’s list who had some helpful suggestions. I also contacted my pharmacy to see if they had any suggestions of how I could avoid the double copay. I went to the website for the Alvesco inhaler in the hopes of finding some type of discount program for this medication. They had a great discount program which would reimburse up to $75/each month towards my copay. Too good to be true? Of course! In the fine print it stated that because of state legislation, only one state in the union was ineligible for the discount program and of course that state was Massachusetts.

This all brought me to this morning which is when I decided to call the doctor who prescribes the inhaler and see if he had any suggestions. I spoke with his nurse who was quite helpful. We discussed a few options and came up with a plan. She said she would put aside the last two samples she had in the office of the inhaler for me to pick up tomorrow. Although she didn’t have any samples two months ago when I was there, she had them now. Lesson learned: ALWAYS call your doctor to check for samples! 

These samples would get me through to my next appointment with my pulmonologist next month during which time we could try and figure out if there was a way to rewrite the prescription so I only pay one copay. What the nurse suggested next though was even more critical. The nurse told me to see if I could use a mail order pharmacy through my insurance company. I had used one of these a long time ago, but haven’t investigated this option since being diagnosed with the autoimmune disease because my medications were changing on a monthly basis. Mail order programs give you a three month supply of the same medication at a time and that wasn’t practical for me. Then I pretty much forgot all about it. Now I have several medications that are the same dosage for periods of time so I decided to check out this option.

As luck would have it, my insurance does have a mail order pharmacy called Express Scripts. To be honest, I did a Google search of reviews for them and those reviews were not favorable at all. However after reading their website, I decided that at this point, the amount of money I was going to save was worth taking the chance with this company. The process was very easy. I called their 1-800 number and told them I wanted to start up an account and see if my regular medications were covered. Because they work with my insurance company, they already had my drug and doctor information. They would call the doctors for a new prescription for a 90 day supply of each medication. I told them which medications I wanted, double checked the doses, doctor names, and doctor phone numbers. They told me how much they would cost and how the payment process works.

For four of my medications I paid a two month copay for a three month supply of medications. The exception was one of my thyroid medications which is on a special discounted medication list and only cost me $3/month. By the end of the phone call, I had saved 40% on five different medications. The other advantage is that all of my reordering can be done online and I don’t have to frequent the pharmacy as often. That comes in handy when you are not feeling well. I am sure there are disadvantages to the program, but I am going to remain optimistic and hopeful that it will remain to be as easy and cost effective for me as it was today.

So those are some of my tips for saving money on prescriptions. The biggest point I want to make sure that I make here is to use your resources as wisely as possible. Contact your pharmacy, doctor, and insurance company. See what options are available and make sure to be open minded to what resources are available out there.

What ways do you have to save money on prescriptions?

From Abuse to the Promised Land

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. ~ Unknown
Promised Land :  any longed-for place where one expects to find greater happiness or fulfilment.
 ~ The Free Dictionary

Did you ever work through some issue in your life and think that it was completely behind you until one day, it hits you in the face like a ton of bricks? That happened to me last weekend during my pastor’s sermon at church. I wasn’t expecting it. I was even the scripture reader for that day and it never dawned on me that his sermon based on that day’s scripture would bring me back in time; to a place that used to haunt me. A time that I have never written about privately, never mind publically. However in considering writing about this topic and posting it on the web, some glaring facts have became apparent to me.

It could help someone.
Make them feel less alone.
Give them hope.
And so here we are.

My pastor’s sermon this past Sunday was based on scripture from Exodus 14:10-14. In the sermon he discussed the relationship between Pharaoh and the people of Israel. These Jews, who were living in Egypt at the time, were being terrorized by Pharaoh who was the person ruling the land at the time. Not because they did anything wrong but because Pharaoh did not like working around Jewish holidays and practices. Pharaoh also heard a rumor about a new king being born to the Jews. And so began Pharaoh’s reign of terror. He controlled the Jews. He manipulated them. Moses intervenes and although things get worse initially, Moses finally tells the abused people of Israel:

“Do not be afraid. Be still.”

Then my pastor gets to the message of the sermon about people in violent and abusive relationships. He points out the similarities of Pharoah and the Jews to people in abusive relationships in the present day. About how the best approach to the “Pharaohs” in our lives is to be still, be at peace. It doesn’t mean to give in but to follow God’s lead in order to make it to the Promised Land. Why? Because as my pastor explained, it breaks the cycle of violence by not engaging our Pharaoh. He has no one left to control.

Oh crap.

I was sitting in my seat with the choir and all I wanted to do was run out of the church because I knew the sermon would make me cry and I didn’t want others to see that. I would cry with sadness and remembrance because I knew what it was like to have a Pharaoh. Cry with happiness because I knew I had finally made it to the Promised Land.

My Pharaoh was my ex-husband. I know that for certain now even though I didn’t always acknowledge it. Even when I did acknowledge this fact after I left him, there was still this small part of me that rationalized that I wasn’t in an abusive relationship. I couldn’t have been because I did my fair share of arguing and name calling when I was provoked by him. I was the one who was considered to be the control freak. As someone who feels strongly about taking responsibility for one’s own actions, I felt that even though my ex was usually the instigator, my own behavior was not always a model example, therefore he was not REALLY abusive. We just couldn’t get along.

Yeah right.

Something to be said for denial.

Emotional and mental abusive is often so insidious that it can be difficult to recognize and accept that you are in an abusive relationship. It can also be hard to one day wake up and realize that you let yourself become a victim. Not an easy thing when you thought all along you were the one in control. This type of abuse can take on so many forms that it can be almost impossible to recognize. When I looked back on my marriage, these are the incidents that made me realize that indeed there was abuse in my relationship. They are not an attempt to elicit sympathy but rather a means of showing how obscure abuse can sometimes be.

* Name calling towards me was a frequent occurrence.

* He was frequently badmouthing my family and friends. Every negative comment was an attempt to put more distance between me and them. He made it difficult for me to have people to our home.

* He often criticized my decisions no matter how small.

* He lied on a regular basis.

* He was a “gas lighter”. Gas lighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented to the victim with the intent of making them doubt their own memory and perception. Because I was starting to have some difficulties with my memory due to an autoimmune disease, it wasn’t too difficult to do. He would say we had conversations that I was sure we didn’t have.

* He did everything he could to bring down my self-esteem. When I went out of work on a medical disability, he told me I was lazy and that there was nothing wrong with me. He used comments to hurt me.

* He withheld affection from me.

* He did not support me. This may seem benign but men who yell at their sick wives and threaten to leave them alone in an emergency room because they don’t want to sit and wait for the doctor any longer would qualify as abuse to me.

I never saw the signs of my ex-husband potentially becoming an abusive partner. I wish I could sit here and tell you that when I looked back, I noticed this, this, and that. But I did not. I am sure there were signs, but I obviously missed them. I also cannot sit here and say there were not good times because there were. He presented his best side to me in the beginning of our relationship. I think he wanted to be the person that his best side showed. However he was plagued by a childhood that haunted him (maybe that was a potential red flag?) and his subsequent alcoholism that cropped up the year after we married consumed him.

So how did I save myself? After years of contemplating leaving, I got out. One night after a daylong drinking binge, two events occurred. The first was that I knew without a doubt that if I didn’t leave our house that night, he would hit me. I was keeping my distance from him and not engaging with him but he was relentless. It had never happened before but I knew this night was going to be different. I wasn’t going to give him that chance and I was no longer going to be a victim. We all have our breaking point and that was mine.

Apparently it was his too because after I left the house that evening, in an effort to manipulate the situation and get sympathy from my parents, he called my family and spoke with my mother. He told her that I had gone off the deep end and was threatening to kill myself. All completely untrue. Imagine having someone call you and tell you that your child is suicidal. Imagine the fear. I was never going to let him terrorize my family like that again. Ever.

At the end of the sermon last Sunday, I realized I truly was at the other side of the battle with my Pharaoh and into what my pastor described as the “Promised Land”. It required a lot of soul searching, therapy, and determination to leave and start over. It has meant forgiving and choosing to remember the good of that relationship without ignoring the bad. Getting to the Promised Land was not just about leaving, it was about rebuilding. It meant finding myself again and regaining my self-esteem before I entered another romantic relationship. It meant defining myself rather than letting someone else define me. Although I am in a very healthy romantic relationship now, being in this relationship is not all that defines the Promised Land for me. The Promised Land is a place where I am whole and at peace.
It is a place where I am not afraid.

Photos: Courtesy of Google Images
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