"In order to write about life, first you must live it." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Category: asthma (Page 1 of 2)

Whole 30 Autoimmune Protocol

I feel like revamping my diet is a constant and ever evolving process. I don’t mean “diet” as in a weight loss program, but in terms of using proper diet to treat my Sjögren’s syndrome. About a year ago, I embarked on a Paleo eating plan, with the first month dedicated to the autoimmune protocol of the Paleo plan. The autoimmune protocol of any plan is super strict and is not even a diet. You can find an excellent explanation of the autoimmune protocol (AIP) HERE. It is a thirty day elimination period of the foods that are most thought to cause inflammation in the body. Due to a death in my family on Day 2, things did not go well. I know it is an excuse, but the amount of stress I was under was off the charts. I did however stick with the Paleo plan for the first half of the year, and I had some good results from it when I was compliant: most notably less pain and fatigue.

Things pretty much went to hell for me in the nutrition department (I like that word better than diet) when I went to Disney for my honeymoon. We came back the beginning of October 2013, the holidays came, etc. The worse I ate, the worse I felt. At first, it wasn’t noticeable because I was on a hefty dose of prednisone to quiet down some symptoms prior to my honeymoon, but as I started weaning the prednisone, it became apparent that my  food was affecting my health.

Part of the issue is not autoimmune related at all. At least I don’t think it is. Once I came back from Disney, I began to realize that some of my food issues had resurfaced. By “issues” I mean addictions to certain foods. I know being on the prednisone didn’t help with this, but things seemed to be worse. I was constantly craving processed food that were laden with carbs, sugar, and the such. This was not a new issue for me, but it seemed like now, the more I ate these foods, the worse I craved them. My weight creeped up and up and I felt like I was no longer in control. I know part of the carb cravings was related to the prednisone and that a lot of the foods I was eating are MADE to be addictive (i.e. McDonald’s), but at the end of the day, it was still my decision to eat them. They were my choices and I was making some poor ones at that.

Meanwhile, since coming back from Disney, I had started exercising on a regular basis because I was on prednisone and that afforded me the ability to be able to do more with my body. The exercise actually helps my autoimmune symptoms, but I began to wonder about how much better I could feel if I reeled in my diet again. On a blog I follow, I read about the book: It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. This book changed my life. Seriously.

It Starts With Food talks about the Whole 30 eating plan which is basically a Paleo diet with some tweaks, mostly eliminating any type of sugars (except in fruit and veggies). The premise of the whole plan is that you need to eat whole foods in order to optimize your body’s health. While Paleo talks about how our ancestors ate as a premise for the eating plan, the Whole 30 talks a lot about the effects that these processed foods have on our bodies. It is a no-nonsense approach to getting healthy. No excuses.

I decided that I was going to do a Whole 30 (meaning you do the plan for 30 days with absolutely no cheating) and I was going to step it up by adding in the autoimmune protocol of the Whole 30. My plan was to start the day after Christmas but I had my first race, a 5K, scheduled for New Year’s Day and the authors suggested not starting a Whole 30 before any big physical event, because the plan itself can take a toll on your physical body the first two weeks. As much as I HATE starting a new lifestyle change on New Year’s, that was my start date.

Today is Day 16 for me. I will be honest, most of the 16 days have been pure hell because really, this is HARD!! I have a few expletives for it, but I will try and refrain…for now. Being on a Whole 30 AIP means I can eat only certain foods for 30 days and then I can start to reintroduce some healthy foods I omitted over a period of a few months to see if my body can tolerate them. By reintroduce, I mean like eggs, nuts, and seeds….not pizza, soda, or bread.

What I can eat: meats (chicken, turkey, beef, fish); all vegetables except eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, and all forms of peppers except black pepper; fruits; and healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil. Oh, and spices that are not seed or pepper based. That one gets tricky!

Yeap, that’s it.

No grains of any sort, no dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sauces, additives of any type. I am sure I am forgetting some things, but you get the gist.

And this means I cook, ALL THE TIME! It is insane how much I have used my kitchen lately.I try to double up my cooking so I have something to eat for breakfast and lunch the next day, but when you are making your own salad dressings (olive oil only!) and cannot grab a protein bar when you are starving after a run, it gets tricky…and time consuming. Cheating is not allowed because even the slightest bite of an inflammatory food can have a negative effect on your gut, which is thought to be the primary source of injury in autoimmune illness. Eating out is next to impossible although I was able to twice at Red Robin. I knew they were probably cooking in forbidden oils such as canola or safflower oil, but I didn’t think that would be enough to trigger me. And, I had to protect my sanity.

The first ten days or so was a nightmare for me, physically and emotionally. I had physical withdrawal symptoms, despite having had cut out gluten and dairy after Christmas. These symptoms included dizziness, dehydration, increased fatigue, headaches, and joint pain. For several days, it felt like my blood sugar was dropping several times a day. I stopped doing all exercise for the first week until I felt that things were more stable. I became extremely moody and restless as I started to crave all the unhealthy foods I was previously dumping into my body. Honestly, I couldn’t even be in the same room as some of my trigger foods such as pizza, chocolate, even gluten-free bread!! I even went as far as asking my husband to take some Kit Kats we had gotten at Christmas to work with him. He forgot. I was home alone. I tossed them in the trash. Swear to God.

Things have gotten better though. The physical symptoms went away and despite weaning down my prednisone from 20 mg/day to 10 mg/day over the course of the past few months, my autoimmune symptoms are actually improving. The improvements have not been that drastic yet, except for my sleep. I am sleeping like a rock most nights for one of the first times in four years. I even dream now! And as anyone with an autoimmune illness knows, more sleep=less symptoms. Despite increasing my running mileage, most of my muscles and joints are pain-free on most days.My energy level has improved and despite having some mild respiratory issues around the holidays, my breathing is now 100% fine. No migraines and my mood is on an even keel. I have not noticed an improvement yet in my Raynaud’s or dryness issues and I would say that my dryness issues are even a bit worse. But it is January in New England; that is what always happens to me.

The past forty-eight hours has seen a dramatic improvement in my food cravings. This has been quite the blessing. Although temptation is still a challenge more times than I would like, I find that I am not thinking about food so much. I have also become quite a better cook over the past two weeks! It feels freeing to feel in control.

I don’t know what the next few weeks are going to bring, but I am cautiously optimistic. While I do not think that this eating plan will likely “cure” me of Sjögren’s, I am hopeful that it will help control my symptoms enough to further improve my quality of life. Because as hard as this Whole 30 AIP plan is, it’s not half as hard as living with a debilitating, chronic illness.

Running My First Race

The start of 2014 was very exciting for me.

Back in early October, when I returned from our honeymoon in Disney, I decided that I wanted to try running so that someday, I could run one of the Disney race events they have every year. I had been taking a good dose of prednisone (20mg) and figured if I ever was going to try running again, this would be the time. I had attempted running a few years ago for a month or two and had to stop because of my joints. In addition to the desire to run through Disney, I was also inspired by two online friends I had met, Lucy and Heidi, who both also have Sjögren’s and have either participated in races, or were planning on doing so.

As I have blogged before, I took the running thing seriously, especially because of my joint, fatigue, and respiratory issues. I read a lot of books, magazines, and online articles about strengthening exercises and I made sure I did regular yoga and Pilates classes, which greatly helped my running and overall health. Sometime in October, I started the Jeff Galloway Easy 5K training program. I highly recommend it if you are a new runner. It is a run/walk program that gradually builds up your stamina and endurance. I found the run/walk concept (I do a 1min./1 min. ratio) to be much less daunting than trying to run an entire distance. I also started regularly using a foam roller for my muscles, which has helped me physically in so many ways besides in terms of my running.

My goal was to run a 5K on January 1st; a race called Gordy’s First Race in Westfield, Massachusetts. I figured it was a good way to start the New Year and yet, gave me enough time to complete the entire Jeff Galloway program. The bottom line is, I don’t know how hard running is for everyone else, but it is very difficult for me and I wanted to make sure I was well-prepared. I also knew that by January, my prednisone dose would be significantly less and that fact worried me a little bit.

Getting race ready!

New Year’s Day was the day of the race. I was doing OK from a physical standpoint, but sleep was hard to come by the night before; not an unusual thing for me unfortunately. And the closer we got to Westfield, the more nervous I became. What on earth did I think I was doing?? A 5K race is not meant for an overweight 40-something year old with severe autoimmune issues. Or so I thought. My husband and I drove to Westfield, got our race bib numbers, and spent some time warming up by jogging/walking for a few minutes. My brother, Dennis, also was running the race with us. By this point, I was hyped up on adrenaline.

Pre-race: my husband, me, and my brother.

I have to say, there is nothing like the atmosphere of a race. I would guess that there were about 200 runners present; some were doing a 5K and some a 10K. I thought it would be better to start at the back of the pack because I am so slow and because I do a combination of running and walking. I told my husband and brother that I wanted them to not worry about running with me and see how well they could do, since they are both in much better physical shape than I am in. It was pretty cool that I then heard someone shouting my name. I looked over at the spectators and there was my mom who had showed up to cheer me on!

Off we went and within about a minute or two, the ENTIRE pack was way ahead of me, except for two women behind me. I suspected that this might happen because I had checked last year’s results and most of these runners appeared to be very fast! I tried to stay focused on my breathing and my stride, but all of a sudden I was faced with one of several hills that occurred the first half of the race. Although I had looked at a course map beforehand, I was surprised by the incline.

This is where I panicked a bit and totally lost focus.
I actually considered turning around I was so panicked.

The problem with panic is that is increases your heart rate and breathing, which for someone like me, who already struggles with that, it makes things a lot worse. It did not help that the temperature was about eighteen degrees and I was running into the wind. That’s what happens when you sign up for a January race in New England!!

As I tackled the hills,I found myself needing to do much shorter intervals of running/walking then in my training runs. I had done a little bit of hill running in my three months of training, but apparently not enough. Then I saw some people standing outside their homes on the race route. And I saw the traffic cops. They were cheering me on. Here I was running by myself (I kind of regretted that!), with nobody around me because I was so behind everyone else, and they were all cheering me on. It helped, a lot. I tried to settle myself down and decided that no matter what happened, I was finishing this race. I worked so hard for this. This was MY race; not anyone else’s. I was only in competition with myself.

Lone ranger!

Because the race was up and back, people started to run towards me on their way back to the finish line. I was not even halfway yet, not even close. I saw my brother run past me and then my husband. He had my asthma inhaler on him and I thought it might help if I took another hit. That was a HUGE mistake. What was I thinking?? All it did was jack up my heart rate some more and didn’t help my breathing. Live and learn.

My husband then decided, against my protests, to do the rest of the race at my side. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. I felt bad because he could have finished well, but to be honest, he was a huge help. As we hit the halfway mark and turned around, other runners would race past us. It was probably obvious that I was struggling, but several of them yelled out words of encouragement to me as the sped past us.

“Keep going!”
“You’re doing great!”
“You can do it!”

It was simply amazing. Let me tell you, if you are a good runner, are experienced at races, and see someone like me struggling, yell something out to them. NEVER underestimate the power of a few words. You never know the challenges someone else is facing when they are attempting to do something like this. So to all those strangers who rooted for me, thank you. I am forever grateful.

Not too long after we started back towards the finish line, I realized that I forgot to check my watch  to see what my pace was. This was the whole point of wearing one; that’s how out-of-sorts I was compared to my training runs! I looked down and realized that I was running a 14-15 minute mile, which was even better than I expected, especially with those hills. I was doing fine if I stopped comparing myself to everyone else. I also came to realize that the two women who were behind me when we started never turned around, which meant that they were doing the 10K and I would probably come in last for the 5K. I put that out of my head and just concentrated on one foot in front of the other.

I knew the finish line was coming and it was important to me to finish strong, but my lungs were on fire. And I mean fire!! My legs held up pretty good, but those lungs…geez. The traffic cops kept cheering us on. The elite runners kept shouting words of encouragement. My husband kept reminding me what I was supposed to do, like breathe. We rounded the corner that led into the front of the school where the finish line was. I knew that I was overdoing it and probably wasn’t getting enough oxygen at this point, but I saw the finish clock all lit up and the banner. I saw my mother and brother at the finish line and honestly, I would drop to the ground at this point before I would stop running.

My goal was to do the race in under 50 minutes. My official time was 45:13. By far, my best time ever, by several minutes.

Finish line!

I will admit, I wasn’t feeling too hot, but I walked around, drank a ton of water. I don’t have any other races to compare this to, but I thought Gordy’s Race was very well run. There was plenty of pizza, hot chocolate, and water afterwards, although since I was starting a new eating plan to help with my autoimmune issues, it was just water for me. We waited around for the race people to post the final results to see if I indeed came in last like I suspected.

I did not come in last. I came in second to last.

Guess who came in last?
My husband.

I was so focused on trying to finish without passing out that I didn’t realize when we crossed the finish line, he had put me in front of himself; just so I wouldn’t be last. Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered to me at that point. I was so proud to just finish. But the gesture was so unbelievably touching that when I was posting a Facebook update from the car on the way home, I started bawling like a baby. He’s my biggest fan. My biggest champion.

I woke up the next morning feeling different about myself, mentally. The physical effects were still lingering a little, mostly the asthma stuff because really, asthmatics probably should not be running in cold temps like that. But mentally, that was a different story. I felt like I had accomplished something huge. Something that some people told me I would never be able to do. And I did it. Who knows what else I might be able to accomplish physically over the next six months or so. Maybe a longer race. Maybe a faster race. Maybe I can get off prednisone. Maybe I can go back to work.

Running this race, with all those other athletes, made me feel like more than my illness. Instead of cursing my body for what it can’t do, I could feel proud of it for what it can do.

Completely life-altering.

30 Things You May Not Know About My Invisible Illness!

I follow a blog called Interstitial Cystitis: Catherine’s Journey and she did a blog entry based on a questionnaire she found on an invisible illness website. I read it and thought it was a great way to better inform people about what it is like to live with Sjögren’s syndrome, which is usually an invisible illness. It’s ironic because I just talked about invisible illness in my previous blog entry on scooters and Disney. So here is my questionnaire. Please feel free to copy and paste and to your own. Awareness is critical!

In honor of National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week (September 9-15, 2013), they asked those of us suffering with chronic, invisible illness to answer the question: “30 Things You May Not Know About My Invisible Illness”.  Here are mine:

  1. follow The illness(es) I live with are: Sjögren’s syndrome. Also Factor V Leiden, Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Asthma, ?Interstitial Cystitis, Esophageal Motility Disorder
  2. https://penielenv.com/ilqapoit I was diagnosed with it (Sjögren’s) in the year: 2011
  3. https://www.mbtn.net/?p=cjdmovw But I had symptoms since: 2007-2008
  4. https://guelph-real-estate.ca/2waxcr0iqn The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: Being out of work and on disability; having to take rest periods throughout the day.
  5. get link Most people assume: A lot. Specifically that I must be feeling well because I “look” fine and that I am taking advantage of the system because I am young and disabled/on Medicare. 
  6. https://www.elevators.com/7yqyrzus The hardest part about mornings are: Figuring out how I am going to prioritize my day.
  7. source My favorite medical TV show isGrey’s Anatomy. https://lpgventures.com/1keg5uy5  
  8. watch A gadget I couldn’t live without is: My laptop. It makes writing easier and keeps me connected to the world on days I cannot leave the house.
  9. https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/gkm868qur The hardest part about nights are: Pain. My pain is usually worse at night. And not sleeping.
  10. go Each day I take: At least 15 pills/supplements. And that is an improvement.
  11. Order Tramadol Online Uk Regarding alternative treatments: I have been doing this for about 10 months. I am not as convinced that alternative medicine can “cure” autoimmune illnesses but I have had significant improvement with a lot of my issues so I think alternative medicine is a critical aspect of my treatment plan.
  12. I follow f I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: Neither. This is a dumb question.
  13. enter site Regarding working and career: I miss it. I miss caring for other people on a daily basis and I miss the intellectual challenge of working in the medical field. I enjoy writing but I have come to find out that I enjoyed “going” to work.
  14. click People would be surprised to know: I get sick of hearing people complain sometimes. Not my friends who confide in me about something, even about minor matters. But I get sick of  people complaining on Facebook about the stupidest things. I try to sit back and remember that everyone’s issues are different and important to them. It bothers me when people are always (note that I said always) complaining about their kids. Be grateful you have them.
  15. Tramadol Online Overnight Visa The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: https://danivoiceovers.com/y4yyw1zptz That I will never be cured.
  16. click Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did wasWrite a book which is currently being published!
  17. http://www.mscnantes.org/sqi29ksue9i The commercials about my illness http://www.mscnantes.org/ioloxsqr Don’t exist! 
  18. Cheapest Tramadol Uk Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: Being able to just “get up and go” whenever I want; being spontaneous; working. Most of all I miss waking up and physically feeling good.
  19. source site It was really hard to have to give up: Some of the foods I used to enjoy; my nursing job.
  20. https://www.marineetstamp.com/b9v62uy A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: Writing!
  21. https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/hfeorgk If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: There are SO many things! But since it is only one day, I would go skydiving.
  22. https://www.yolascafe.com/pea0ae4a My illness has taught me: What it is like to truly physically suffer. It has taught me to be grateful and humble. It has taught me the value of true friendships and the necessity of keeping toxic, negative people out of my life. It has taught me who my real friends are. It has taught me to appreciate the everyday events in life.
  23. https://www.mreavoice.org/6hgi6b3ctq Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is: follow site Advice on how to handle my illness. This is a fine line. I am OK when somebody mentions something to me once i.e.: a Paleo diet. But it ticks me off when they bring it up over and over again. It also upsets me beyond all reason when someone I know tries to sell me some “miracle cure”. Completely classless. Luckily, it doesn’t happen often. There are a few other things but those are the biggies.
  24. https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/ncsscq2x But I love it when people: Call me or check in via e-mail. Spontaneous visits. I love it when people tell me that my writing has made a difference in their life.
  25. follow url My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is: Way too many to list. If you go to my blog’s Facebook page, you will see what I mean.
  26. source site When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them: Never, ever give up.
  27. https://dcinematools.com/3ptil8vd Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: That I am happier now than before I was diagnosed.
  28. https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/aovla654 The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was: There is no one thing because so many people have done so much for me. Things that I appreciate a lot though include: offering to bring me lunch or dinner, offering a ride to an appointment, sending me regular mail (like in the mailbox!), making me laugh, talking to me about anything besides me being sick.
  29. go site I’m involved with Invisible Awareness Week https://geolatinas.org/bh9qh9n464  because: https://alldayelectrician.com/e2yoc0cib4 I think it’s important to help raise awareness and educate others about what those of us living with invisible illness(es) are really going through each and every day.
  30. https://www.mbtn.net/?p=xcewdguk8 The fact that you read this list makes me feel: Hopeful!

The Paleo Lifestyle

I have made a grave oversight. I was planning on writing an update today on how the Paleo lifestyle (I hate the word “diet”) has been going for me. I was scrolling through my blog posts to see what I wrote during my first Paleo blog entry and guess what? I never wrote one!

I meant to, I really did. But I started my thirty days of a strict autoimmune Paleo lifestyle the day before my fiancé’s mother died and it was not the priority. So now I am going to give you the recap of the past two months.

I am not going to spend much time describing the Paleo eating plan because a Google search can give you more information than you ever could possibly want. Basically it means that you eat whole, non-processed foods just like our ancestors did. Meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, certain natural oils such as olive oil and coconut oil. No dairy, grains (even gluten-free grains are off limits), legumes, sugar (except naturally occurring sugars in fruits), soy, and refined seeds oils such as sunflower, vegetable, and corn oil.  Now, I had done a ton of research about this for a good five months before I even attempted changing my eating because I was going to go one step further. I was going to do the autoimmune protocol of the Paleo lifestyle which meant I was eliminating nuts, seeds, eggs, tomatoes and all tomato based products, eggplant, alcohol, potatoes, peppers, and certain spices that are pepper based such as chili powder.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE potatoes? And gluten/dairy-free pizza??

So I embarked on my little experiment and after the thirty days, I decided to add seeds and nuts back into my diet. Adding one food back in at a time from the autoimmune protocol list is allowed so that you can see what you can tolerate. From time to time, I will also have a pepper based spice because I absolutely love buffalo chicken; which I make at home.

I will be honest, this lifestyle change has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life and trust me, I have had my challenges! I went through terrible sugar withdrawals the first two weeks or so and I found it very challenging to eat anywhere besides in my own house. However I was reading anecdote after anecdote of people with autoimmune disorders who were having improvement in their symptoms by eating a Paleo food plan. If there was even a chance that I could avoid going back on steroids or maybe even become more functional because of what I was eating, I had to stick with it. The Paleo lifestyle is also not just about what you eat. It’s also about moving your body, attempting to reduce toxins in your environment, and cutting back on stress.

Before I started the Paleo lifestyle, I had been eating gluten and dairy-free for a year. While I do think that helped a bit with my symptoms, it wasn’t enough. However when I look back to what I was eating, a lot of it was processed dairy and gluten-free foods. I stayed away from anything high in fat because I wanted to lose weight. I would eat a whole bowl of rice for lunch on many days. A food that probably spiked my blood glucose levels. If you are interested in the Paleo concept, I suggest that you do some research on what causes people to get fat and unhealthy. It is not the 85% ground beef you are eating, but rather the copious amounts of starches and sugars we eat in processed foods. There is a lot of scientific theory to it and rather than pretend to know exactly everything behind it, I am going to refer you to two books that I found extremely helpful: The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC. And again, there is always Google!

Bottom line is that I have learned fat is not the enemy. I will admit, I am still skeptical about the whole concept, but I am going for routine blood work next month which also screens my cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. so I will be interested in seeing the results of that blood work.

I guess one of the biggest questions I get is what do I eat? I eat a LOT of fruits and vegetables and I eat a lot of meats including beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, and on occasion, bacon. I now eat nuts and seeds including cashew butter, sunflower butter, etc. I cook and eat only coconut and olive oil as much as possible. Some Paleo enthusiasts say you should watch your fruit intake if you are trying to lose weight but I feel strongly that I need the nutrients of the variety of fruits that I eat and my primary goal right now is to be healthy. If I lose weight, great. If not, oh well.

I have had to completely retrain my way of thinking in terms of meals. No more cereal, pancakes, or yogurt for breakfast. Often I have leftovers from dinner the night before. The variety of food I have tried in the past two months has increased by at least fifty percent. I have discovered a love for sweet potatoes and a hatred for avocados. As often as possible, I eat grass fed and wild caught meat and fish in order to avoid hormones and other nasty things that grain fed animals eat. Eating out is even more of a challenge than when I was only restricting my gluten and dairy intake but is getting easier. We don’t eat out all that often but when we do, we chose a place that will not think twice about accommodating my needs. I have to say that I actually enjoy eating out more now because I am eating higher quality food as opposed to fried and processed food.

Overall, I would say that I am about 75% compliant with eating Paleo in the past month. After the first month, I realized that I had to make this a lifestyle which meant making it doable. Progress not perfection became my motto. Most Paleo proponents state that the goal should be to be eating Paleo 80% of the time. Although my basic diet is meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, I do indulge in a regular meal or food from time to time but I make sure it is something I will absolutely enjoy every bite of. For example, last week I was on a six day course of steroids for non-autoimmune reasons and I decided I had to have a buffalo chicken pizza from a local establishment. And a regular beer to go with it. Typically, when I eat something non-Paleo, I still make sure it is gluten and dairy-free but I needed that one exception on that particular day. I enjoyed it and the next morning, I was right back on track. Some people may say that I am not doing the autoimmune protocol properly. I say that I am living my life.

I did a little experiment several weeks ago where I went off my Paleo eating plan. My fiancé and I were going out of town to visit family and I wanted a weekend where I didn’t want to have to think about what I was going to eat. I even ate macaroni and cheese! After several days of that, I can honestly say that I was ready to go back to Paleo. My joints hurt more than usual, I felt like I had the flu, and I was craving salads.

The bottom line is: Overall, I am eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life. I cannot remember the last time I had a bowl of rice and I don’t even miss it anymore. I am feeding my body whole, nutritious foods. And I have lost weight. Not a lot, maybe a pound every two weeks but what has been more noticeable is the change in my body shape. Fat is turning to muscle. I don’t feel bloated anymore; unless I eat buffalo chicken pizza!

More importantly, let’s talk about my autoimmune symptoms. First I have to disclose than I am also taking a new alternative medication called low dose naltrexone (LDN) which I think has also benefited me so it is hard to ascertain if the improvement is due to my diet, allergy shots I have been receiving, the LDN, or most likely, all of the above. I am currently off steroids and my other autoimmune medication, Arava. That fact is simply amazing. I do have some joint pain but this is precipitated by exercise and/or not enough sleep. My dryness symptoms have improved somewhat which was recently noted by my eye doctor. My asthma is under control and the biggest change I have noticed is an improvement in my reflux and esophageal dysmotility symptoms. Fatigue, unfortunately, is still a major issue at times. I have not noticed any improvement in my Raynaud’s symptoms. I still struggle day to day much more than the average person without an autoimmune illness but at this point, I am struggling less than last year at this time.

Now could all of this be coincidence? Possibly. Maybe I am just in an upswing with my illness. But I am going with the theory that time will tell and meanwhile, I have absolutely nothing to lose.

Low Dose Naltrexone Update

It’s Saturday morning and a perfect time for blogging. Life has settled down quite a bit here over the past few days. Life has been nothing but complete chaos and stress since about November and despite the fact that I think I have handled the stress fairly well, I am praying for no more crises for at least the next few months. The rest of the year would be nice too!

I have been playing catch up this past week with a lot of things I have neglected as of late, namely wedding planning, housework, and agent hunting for my book. More importantly, I have been trying to catch up with those friends and family that I have been neglecting and I am slowly but surely accomplishing that. I also have a list of health related blog topics in my head that I really want to write about as there has been so much going on and I think that the experiences I have been having might be useful for people to read about.

I think today I am going to start with an update about how I am doing with taking low dose naltrexone (LDN). I have been getting e-mails from people asking me if the LDN is working, if I am having any side effects, etc. The first post I wrote about LDN you can find here: Low Dose Naltrexone. If you have an autoimmune disorder, I think the post is worth a read. LDN is also being used for other illnesses other than autoimmune diseases but I try to write about what I know based on my experience and that experience is with taking LDN for Sjogren’s syndrome.

When I wrote the first blog entry about LDN, I was five weeks into taking it. Now I am about ten weeks into it. Since the five week point, I have been able to completely finish weaning off of prednisone. This was no small feat mind you. I had been taking prednisone for about fifteen continuous months, with the exception of one month where I had weaned off and had to go back on it. I did have some difficulty coming off the prednisone and the withdrawal symptoms were tough for the first two weeks or so, but my body seems to be slowly adjusting.

Before I came off the prednisone, and while on LDN, there was a period of about three weeks where I was feeling amazing. I mean, AMAZING! I went into my rheumatologist’s office for a routine appointment and told her that I had not felt that way since before all this autoimmune fiasco began, which was five years ago. Can you imagine feeling like yourself for the first time in five years?!? It was incredible.

However of course that did change when I stopped the prednisone but I am trying to be patient and give my body the time it needs to adjust. Part of thinks that it would have been nice to not have messed with the prednisone and enjoyed feeling good for a while longer. However the other part of me felt stronger that I did not want to be dealing with prednisone withdrawals and possible flare up issues closer to my wedding, which is three months away. This weekend it will be one month I am off the prednisone and that is usually my tipping point for things to go awry so I am crossing my fingers. Speaking of awry, at this point I am only having two issues, severe itching and hair loss. I thought the issues were related to coming off prednisone or perhaps even related to an autoimmune flare starting, but it appears this is probably not the case. I will hold off on the details of that situation for now until I have more information.

Overall, I think the LDN has had a positive effect on my autoimmune symptoms. When I came off the prednisone, my migraines initially got worse but are improving with the help of a supplement I was given by my integrative medicine doctor called petadolex. I have begun to have some minimal joint pain in the mornings that quickly goes away but other than that, I seem to be holding steady in regards to my pain levels. I have managed to wean off my steroid inhaler and currently take no medications for my autoimmune related asthma. That is a big deal. I am off my prescription migraine medication, another autoimmune medication called Plaquenil, and a medication that was being used to stimulate saliva called pilocarpine. I have noticed a small improvement in my dryness symptoms. My use of pain medication and Motrin has decreased.

I am able to do short periods exercise on a regular basis and am having less painful after-effects of the exercise as compared to before LDN. With the exception of the time period after I stopped prednisone, I have noticed an improvement in my mood and anxiety levels. I have not noticed any improvement in my esophagus/swallowing issues since starting the LDN. I had a few meals where I forgot to take my Procardia, which enables me to swallow more easily, and I immediately regretted not taking the medication. The LDN also has not made a difference in my reflux issues. The debilitating fatigue that I experience improved initially but I have been struggling with my energy levels since coming off the prednisone.

The only side effect I have noticed from LDN is insomnia. It has improved over the past month to the point that I am willing to continue riding out the side effect because the benefit is worth it right now. I am experimenting with some different natural solutions to this problem and it is also worth noting that I was having some insomnia issues prior to starting LDN.

So that is the scoop. I do have to mention that in addition to starting LDN, I have also begun going for allergy shots every week and have drastically changed my diet to an autoimmune protocol of the Paleo diet. However I did not start either of these treatments until after I had that three weeks of feeling great so I do strongly believe that the LDN has been a contributing factor in some of the improvements I have experienced. I am still on 3mg and am holding off on going up to 4.5mg until my insomnia is more under control as lack of sleep is a huge trigger for autoimmune symptoms.

Am I still skeptical? Sure. The improvements I have had could be a fluke but I don’t think so. I do think it is a situation where time will tell for sure. My goal is for LDN to keep me off the steroids. If that is the only benefit I get, it will be worth it’s weight in gold.

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