"In order to write about life, first you must live it." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Category: blogging

A Fresh Start To Blogging Welcome to For Everything There Is A Season; formerly known as Thoughts and Ramblings on Life, Love, and Health! This is my first blog post on a new hosting site, so please bear with me. A couple of people have asked me if I had either given up on my blog or given up on migrating my blog off of Blogger. Earlier this year, Google made a lot of changes which resulted in changes to how Blogger can be used. All of a sudden, my site became unsecured and I, as the administrator of my blog, couldn’t access several functions in Blogger. It was so frustrating!

click here I did a TON of research and spent many hours with the Google help department, as well as enlisting help from a tech savvy friend, to no avail. I then realized I needed to find a new hosting platform and start over, while meanwhile trying to preserve ten years of blog entries. I explored several different options and decided to enlist the help of the company, Netcrafted.

Order Tramadol Paypal Scott at Netcrafted was a godsend to me and he did the actual migration from Blogger to because I am so challenged when it comes to computers, programming, etc., that I knew it would end up being a disaster. It was the best decision I could have made. He was very responsive every step of the way and deserves a medal for dealing with me and all of my questions. He also helped me out with a few tasks that we didn’t even agree on when he outlined what the migration would include. If you ever need help with any WordPress issue such as troubleshooting, malware removal, site transfers, or managed cloud hosting, I highly recommend this business.

Order Tramadol Cash On Delivery The migration has been done for a while. However it has been a steep learning curve customizing the website as it is SO different from Blogger. In a few weeks or months, once I figure out how to deal with a lot of the technical aspects, this will be a good thing because there is a lot more I can do with WordPress and honestly, it’s a much better product. For the migration, I had to make a lot of decisions and the biggest one was which hosting site I would use. I chose shared hosting through Bluehost. That was the second best decision I made in regards to this process. It’s affordable, easy to use, and the customer support has been outstanding.

Tramadol Overnight Mastercard I was struggling with figuring out how to properly get certain things installed, like analytics, share buttons, and a backup plan. Bluehost has excellent teaching resources, but many times I would go through the steps and get stuck, oftentimes with tasks that involved my control panel, because like I said, I’m challenged when it comes to technology and there were some issues with the temporary domain I was initially working with. The chat support at Bluehost has been invaluable. I’m not exaggerating when I say that one day, when trying to install a back up system for the blog, I was online with the support team for a total of 4 1/2 hours that day, for ONE issue. Even how I type up and design each post is dramatically different and that involves a learning curve as well. It’s not all challenging though. I’ve been having some fun with the process and I have to say, I am learning a lot. I have always told people, I love writing, but the blogging? Not so much. I suspect that will change as I get more experience using WordPress. For now, I’m happy to successfully get this first blog post up and hopefully the information I have shared may be helpful to other writers and bloggers out there. 

Returning To My Gift

It has been almost two and a half years since I’ve written in this blog. It has been the same amount of time since I’ve really written anything, except for Facebook posts and greeting cards. These facts do make me sad.
For those of you who know me, and to inform those of you who don’t, writing had long been my passion. I started writing this blog regularly after becoming ill, losing my job, and going on disability. I had always enjoyed writing, but once I had hours upon hours of free time to fill up, I realized that writing was not only an outlet for me, but a way that I could help others through what I was experiencing and learning in my chronic illness journey. This blog mostly started off because of my health journey but it became so much more than that, hence why I titled it Thoughts and Ramblings on Life, Love, and Health…a title that I am actually considering changing, but that would make complications for me since the blog title is on my book. The jury is still out on that! I started this blog in 2010 and was very dedicated to it.The more I wrote about chronic illness and autoimmune disorders, mostly Sjogren’s, the more I heard from other patients about their experiences. It was at that time that I felt moved to get word out into the world about how much Sjogren’s was misunderstood and misdiagnosed. So I spoke with many of the patients I had come to know and their stories gave birth to my first and only book, Tales from the Dry Side: the Personal Stories Behind the Autoimmune Illness Sjogren’s Syndrome.

follow site Several years after the book was published, I stopped writing, completely. People asked me why I wasn’t blogging anymore and I kept telling them I had lost interest. And when I told people this, I meant it. I had absolutely no desire to write or put my thoughts and feelings out into the world anymore. Deep down, I knew there was more to it than that. For example, my last blog entry before today was a story about my dog, Molly, who was like a child to me and died at the age of 15 years old. Her death, and my post about her death, absolutely wrecked me. After her death, I had several painful surgeries, followed by long recoveries and we almost lost one of my stepchildren. Shortly after Molly died, we were in a position where we needed to take in another dog, who was not living in good circumstances, and desperately needed a home. That dog, Foxy, subsequently suffered many serious health issues during a majority of her time with us and ultimately died a short two and a half years after we took her in. A relative passed away, my health deteriorated, and I made a major decision to leave a church I had been a longstanding member of and I not only changed churches, but went to another church home that was in most ways, the opposite of where I came from. And, I did this alone, meaning without my husband. I guess in many ways, I felt the need to turn inward, to self protect, and to be in survival mode.

see However, not too long ago, there was a week where on three separate occasions, the topic of finding and recognizing my spiritual gifts came up. I think the first time might have been during a sermon at church. We’re in a pandemic. I lose track of a lot of things! The second time was definitely during a church related class that focused on finding and using your spiritual gifts. That grabbed my attention like a lightning bolt. The pastor was talking about worksheets we were given that would help us find our spiritual gifts. Immediately, writing came into my head. While I do believe I have other spiritual gifts given to me by God, that was the one that overtook my brain. and it was in that moment that I realized how much I missed writing and how much I was wasting this God given talent…not because I’m some amazing talented writer who has perfect grammar and what have you, but because I write in a way that makes people think and more importantly, helps people. The third thing that happened in that span of time was that my therapist asked me during a session why I don’t write anymore. I explained to her about not having the desire to write, etc. But then something in me stirred and I knew I should share with her how I had been feeling about the writing issue. So, I finally did. Because let’s be honest, it wasn’t about not having the desire to write. My therapist and I had some good conversation about this and all the underlying junk that went with it, a lot of which I mentioned above. She encouraged me to not worry about blogging and just write for myself and eventually I did, in a journal. I found this process helpful in identifying much of what was holding me back: thinking I wasn’t a good enough writer, feeling “less than” compared to other writers, being sick of hearing about, and writing about, Sjogren’s, for so long feeling too vulnerable to put myself out there, and the fact that the person (and hence, writer) that I am now looks quite different compared to the writer I was over two years ago, especially from a spiritual perspective. I was afraid of judgment. There’s this big part of me that wants to write about my faith and Jesus, but I’m so afraid of getting it wrong. So I spent a lot of time in prayer about all this and I did more journaling…just for myself. I had never written for myself; it was always for other people. What I came to realize is that the gift of writing that I have been given is not for me to ignore or take lightly. It is a gift to be used and shared. I don’t need to beat myself up over the time I didn’t use this gift; it was a season. But now, it’s time to move on to a new season and I hope you will come with me through it.

Tramadol Hexal 100Mg Online If you are a reader of my blog, thank you for being here. I do ask for your patience as I found out when I logged in to write this post, that my blogging platform (eBlogger) had completely changed almost everything about the platform. I cannot even find spell check right now. And, when they made the changes, all the formatting got messed up. I guess that means I’m just going to have to work a little harder at it.

Tramadol Eu Online Also, thank you to the people who gently kept encouraging me to come back, most especially, my very supportive mother and my ever patient husband. I love you both.

Read “On Being Naked” on The Manifest-Station

click here I have been a writing a lot lately and I thank the Lord for that. I was going through a difficult time with my writing, which started sometime before Tales From the Dry Side was published and lasted right up until about the end of 2014. Part of the reason was due to being so busy in early 2014 with the book and starting a new job back in the nursing field (yay!). I love and am absolutely proud of Tales From the Dry Side, but the marketing that goes into self-publishing a book successfully is astronomical.The other big reason for having a difficult time with my writing was that I was having a hard time connecting with myself and I just couldn’t seem to get it together to make the sentences come as often as I would like.

Some of my blogging, maybe half of it, is writing designed to teach and inform, mostly about Sjögren’s syndrome and autoimmune diseases in general. The rest of it takes the form of a personal essay. If I just wrote personal essays for the rest of my life, that would be fine with me. I may try my hand soon at fiction again; we will see. I may try and publish another book. The jury is still out on that one.

Tramadol Buying Online Legal Lately, for reasons that have recently become clear to me, my writing has been more intense, more authentic, and not to sound like a jerk, but good. More like great. Great because I am more willing to share more of my personal experiences and feelings with my readers and at the end of the day, we are all human. We all want to connect and know that someone else feels how we do. Some of the writing never gets published or makes it to my blog; its just for me. My girlfriend, Tina, is one of those people who connects well with others. I know that if I want to get together and have a chat with a gal pal and have a conversation with some real depth to it, she’s one of my girls. A few months ago, Tina introduced me to a website called The Manifest-Station, founded by Jennifer Pastiloff. Jen is a writer, yoga instructor, and overall great human being. She leads sold out workshops all over the world which you can check out HERE if you’d like. Tina knows how much I am devoted to writing, yoga, and how sensitive a soul I am. The Manifest-Station is a website/blog where sensitive souls, and excellent writers (including Jennifer) share their personal experiences and more importantly, look for the beauty in every day life. Also known as Beauty Hunting.

follow link Tina also called my attention to the fact that The Manifest-Station was accepting essay submissions. I was working on a piece that had to do with body image issues and I thought it would be a good fit for The Manifest-Station. I found out yesterday that the piece was accepted and it was published this morning.A huge thank you to Jennifer Pastiloff and her staff for loving this piece as much as I do. You can read it by clicking on this link:

watch On Being Naked

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