go "In order to write about life, first you must live it." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Category: food (Page 1 of 2)

A Year Journey With Intermittent Fasting

source Disclaimer: This post is about my own experience only and information I have learned. intermittent fasting may not be safe or suitable for you, especially if you have any medical conditions. Please consult with your doctor.

Photo credit: Caroline Attwood via Unsplash

see url My intermittent fasting journey began one year ago today.

https://geolatinas.org/cr70psft I knew nothing about intermittent fasting (also referred to as IF) until a friend of mine, who also has Sjogren’s (an autoimmune disease), posted about it on Facebook. Since starting IF, she had seen changes to her body and improvement in some of her Sjogren’s symptoms. I messaged her and she pointed me in the right direction to get started.

https://www.elevators.com/hoxzpdyar14 My friend told me about a book, and a corresponding Facebook group, that she found very helpful in learning about IF. That book is Delay, Don’t Deny: Living An Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle by Gin Stephens and it has honestly been one of the most life-changing books I have ever read.

https://purestpotential.com/tk2picp I started doing some research and to be honest, I was skeptical about this whole fasting thing and the claims that were being made about what it could do for your body. Coincidentally, at the same time, I found out about a one hour seminar about IF that was taking place at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is where several of my specialists are and the seminar happened to be right after an appointment I had that day.

source site I made a point of reading as much of Delay, Don’t Deny as I could before the seminar so I could better understand the mechanisms of how this eating plan worked. Sure enough, the seminar, which was being put on by the weight management department at Mass General, told me a lot of the same information as the book did. There had to be something to this. An important point I would like to make here is that I did discuss IF with two different specialists, who have known me for a while, and they were both on board with it.

source url I joined the Facebook group that my friend recommended and I was shocked at some of the results I was seeing online; not just weight loss results, but health benefits as well. At this point, my weight was the highest it had been since I met my husband 9 years prior and I was struggling not only with the joint and muscle pain that comes with Sjogren’s, but the associated complications such as irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, and the overall general inflammation that comes with an autoimmune illness. In addition, I have a history of struggling with sugar addiction and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

https://www.marineetstamp.com/lpuv3qw So what is intermittent fasting?

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/jjumbmgb82 Many people have the misconception that it is starving yourself or that if you fast, it must only be for religious reasons or because you have an eating disorder. But, intermittent fasting is just that, intermittent. It is a way of eating that is targeted towards changing your metabolism so that you lose fat, retain muscle, and stop damaging your metabolic system with yo-yo dieting.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/oltd7f4sc82 When we are constantly eating meals and snacks throughout the day, our metabolism is constantly on the go. This food intake also includes all substances we put in our body meaning that it is not just food; it is also all those drinks and mocha latte whatever they are called coffees we drive through to pick up on our way to work or school.

Get Tramadol Online Uk What does this do to the body? It causes our body to constantly produce insulin, often much more than we need. These high insulin levels then result in preventing our bodies from burning our fat stores and continue to keep adding to those fat stores. More insulin production=more fat.

click here When we fast for a certain period of time (the time depends on many factors), our body does not produce those large amounts of insulin, the glycogen (which is stored glucose) in our liver starts getting used up for fuel and after a period of time, once it is depleted, our body starts using the stored fat for energy instead. Using that stored fat can lead to weight loss and improvement in health for some people.

go site My explanation here of how IF works is very simplistic. While I understand a lot more of the science behind IF, there are a TON of resources online and in bookstores that provide a better explanation than I can. I highly encourage you to do your own research and talk to your doctor. I found the book I previously mentioned, Delay, Don’t Deny and Gin Stephens’s second book, Fast. Feast. Repeat very helpful, especially since the second book dives more into the science of IF.

https://lpgventures.com/ke83rbpw7a Some of the possible benefits of IF are:

  1. Decreased inflammation
  2. Weight loss
  3. Cardiovascular benefits
  4. Straightens out hunger hormones
  5. Helps with metabolic syndrome/PCOS
  6. Improves brain health

Tramadol Cheap Uk And, the list goes on and on. These are not just random benefits that somebody came up with. There is actual scientific research on the positive effects of IF on the body and I encourage you to check out some of the studies done on the benefit of IF on autoimmunity, as well as other medical disorders.

follow link So the big question I get a lot about IF is:

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/yyd0891f How do you do IF? That is a very loaded question because there is no one way to do IF. There are multiple ways to follow an IF program. I would say the only exception to that statement is that you must do it CLEAN! Fasting clean means that when you are in your fasting stage, you should only take in the following things: medications, black coffee, plain tea (plain means no flavoring at all), and water. That’s it. Anything else can release the production of insulin during your fast and you don’t want that! 

https://dcinematools.com/oogs7h3jy3 Like I mentioned, IF can be done a variety of ways, all of which are explained in the two books I mentioned and on various online resources. Some people fast every single day for various periods of time, some fast every other day, and others only fast for a certain number of days per week. The goal is to find what works best for your body and that does take some trial and error.

https://lpgventures.com/e76lq3ffvsz When I initially started IF, I only fasted 12 hours a day for the first few days and gradually increased my time. I did get headaches and hunger pains in the beginning. I would say that the first two weeks were the hardest. It took me about two months to sit back and say that this was right for me and that I could (and wanted to) do it for the long haul.

https://www.yolascafe.com/46su5bm8 I fast every single day, typically for a minimum of 16 hours, but I average anywhere between 16-22 hours a day. My average is 18 hours a day. I never aim for over 20 hours, but since I have been doing this for a while now, sometimes I’m not hungry and when I check my app, I realize it has been 21 or 22 hours since I’ve eaten. That is a rare occurrence though.

see I have done this for a straight year, even on holidays. I choose to fast every day because I have multiple medical issues and I am on a list of medications, some of which can damage my stomach, so I have to eat every day and make sure my doctors remember that I am doing IF. One exception to my 16-22 hours is when I am on antibiotics, steroids, or temporarily have to take a medication that must be taken with food; then I drop my fasts to 12-14 hours a day.

follow site With IF, you can also choose when you eat, which is especially helpful for shift workers. My IF schedule is rarely exactly the same. That being said, I do tend to start fasting around 4-6pm on weekdays and then don’t have anything, except water or green tea, until around 11-12 the following day. This schedule makes me feel my best. Often it means that during the week, I cook dinner, eat early and then sit with my husband while he eats after work. Other times we eat together. I have that flexibility because it’s just the two of us. 

https://www.mreavoice.org/63wa4q4g4m On weekends, fasts are typically shorter and/or they start earlier/end later as my husband is home and we’re usually together. That’s the beauty of it though…IF can be altered to fit your lifestyle.

Tramadol Online Overnight Shipping In the year that I have been doing IF, despite a pandemic, some rounds of steroids, a family crisis and many other stressors, I have managed to lose 30 lbs. I think that while most of my fasts were clean, meaning I didn’t take anything in during fasting times, my diet has not been as clean as I would like it to have been in regards to what type of foods I have eaten. But, I’m doing the best I can right now and I am working on improving that area of my life.

https://purestpotential.com/fgtiopp8ea I also started taking measurements last February because I know the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story and that can be especially true for people who do intermittent fasting. I took measurements of my hips, waist, bust, and underbust. I didn’t bother with my legs and arms because they don’t hold most of my fat. In total, I lost 14 inches this past year and I can tell the difference by how my clothes fit.

go here Most importantly, I have several symptoms that I feel IF has improved including reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraines. When I am fasting consistently for 18-19 hours a day, I have ZERO food cravings, and that includes sugar. I have had these cravings for as long as I can remember and there is such a freedom in not having them anymore. When I was doing 12 hour fasts because of a 2 week course of a potent antibiotic, the cravings came back and as soon as I had a few weeks under my belt of the longer fasts, ther cravings went away. I have also experienced that it is easier for me to exercise when I am around the 15-16 hour mark of my daily fast. 

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/bj06ubu I have tried every possible eating plan to not only lose weight, but more importantly, to improve my health and I strongly believe that intermittent fasting is one of the most important tools in achieving my goals. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, it may not be suitable for everyone and I don’t believe it is a cure all for autoimmune diseases. I don’t believe anything is. However, it is a very powerful tool on the path to wellness. If you have any questions about IF, please feel free to ask them in the comment section below.

source link Be well.




The Paleo Lifestyle

Paypal Tramadol I have made a grave oversight. I was planning on writing an update today on how the Paleo lifestyle (I hate the word “diet”) has been going for me. I was scrolling through my blog posts to see what I wrote during my first Paleo blog entry and guess what? I never wrote one!

https://penielenv.com/yywaz64t I meant to, I really did. But I started my thirty days of a strict autoimmune Paleo lifestyle the day before my fiancé’s mother died and it was not the priority. So now I am going to give you the recap of the past two months.

I am not going to spend much time describing the Paleo eating plan because a Google search can give you more information than you ever could possibly want. Basically it means that you eat whole, non-processed foods just like our ancestors did. Meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, certain natural oils such as olive oil and coconut oil. No dairy, grains (even gluten-free grains are off limits), legumes, sugar (except naturally occurring sugars in fruits), soy, and refined seeds oils such as sunflower, vegetable, and corn oil.  Now, I had done a ton of research about this for a good five months before I even attempted changing my eating because I was going to go one step further. I was going to do the autoimmune protocol of the Paleo lifestyle which meant I was eliminating nuts, seeds, eggs, tomatoes and all tomato based products, eggplant, alcohol, potatoes, peppers, and certain spices that are pepper based such as chili powder.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE potatoes? And gluten/dairy-free pizza??

So I embarked on my little experiment and after the thirty days, I decided to add seeds and nuts back into my diet. Adding one food back in at a time from the autoimmune protocol list is allowed so that you can see what you can tolerate. From time to time, I will also have a pepper based spice because I absolutely love buffalo chicken; which I make at home.

I will be honest, this lifestyle change has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life and trust me, I have had my challenges! I went through terrible sugar withdrawals the first two weeks or so and I found it very challenging to eat anywhere besides in my own house. However I was reading anecdote after anecdote of people with autoimmune disorders who were having improvement in their symptoms by eating a Paleo food plan. If there was even a chance that I could avoid going back on steroids or maybe even become more functional because of what I was eating, I had to stick with it. The Paleo lifestyle is also not just about what you eat. It’s also about moving your body, attempting to reduce toxins in your environment, and cutting back on stress.

Before I started the Paleo lifestyle, I had been eating gluten and dairy-free for a year. While I do think that helped a bit with my symptoms, it wasn’t enough. However when I look back to what I was eating, a lot of it was processed dairy and gluten-free foods. I stayed away from anything high in fat because I wanted to lose weight. I would eat a whole bowl of rice for lunch on many days. A food that probably spiked my blood glucose levels. If you are interested in the Paleo concept, I suggest that you do some research on what causes people to get fat and unhealthy. It is not the 85% ground beef you are eating, but rather the copious amounts of starches and sugars we eat in processed foods. There is a lot of scientific theory to it and rather than pretend to know exactly everything behind it, I am going to refer you to two books that I found extremely helpful: The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC. And again, there is always Google!

Bottom line is that I have learned fat is not the enemy. I will admit, I am still skeptical about the whole concept, but I am going for routine blood work next month which also screens my cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. so I will be interested in seeing the results of that blood work.

I guess one of the biggest questions I get is what do I eat? I eat a LOT of fruits and vegetables and I eat a lot of meats including beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, and on occasion, bacon. I now eat nuts and seeds including cashew butter, sunflower butter, etc. I cook and eat only coconut and olive oil as much as possible. Some Paleo enthusiasts say you should watch your fruit intake if you are trying to lose weight but I feel strongly that I need the nutrients of the variety of fruits that I eat and my primary goal right now is to be healthy. If I lose weight, great. If not, oh well.

I have had to completely retrain my way of thinking in terms of meals. No more cereal, pancakes, or yogurt for breakfast. Often I have leftovers from dinner the night before. The variety of food I have tried in the past two months has increased by at least fifty percent. I have discovered a love for sweet potatoes and a hatred for avocados. As often as possible, I eat grass fed and wild caught meat and fish in order to avoid hormones and other nasty things that grain fed animals eat. Eating out is even more of a challenge than when I was only restricting my gluten and dairy intake but is getting easier. We don’t eat out all that often but when we do, we chose a place that will not think twice about accommodating my needs. I have to say that I actually enjoy eating out more now because I am eating higher quality food as opposed to fried and processed food.

Overall, I would say that I am about 75% compliant with eating Paleo in the past month. After the first month, I realized that I had to make this a lifestyle which meant making it doable. Progress not perfection became my motto. Most Paleo proponents state that the goal should be to be eating Paleo 80% of the time. Although my basic diet is meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, I do indulge in a regular meal or food from time to time but I make sure it is something I will absolutely enjoy every bite of. For example, last week I was on a six day course of steroids for non-autoimmune reasons and I decided I had to have a buffalo chicken pizza from a local establishment. And a regular beer to go with it. Typically, when I eat something non-Paleo, I still make sure it is gluten and dairy-free but I needed that one exception on that particular day. I enjoyed it and the next morning, I was right back on track. Some people may say that I am not doing the autoimmune protocol properly. I say that I am living my life.

I did a little experiment several weeks ago where I went off my Paleo eating plan. My fiancé and I were going out of town to visit family and I wanted a weekend where I didn’t want to have to think about what I was going to eat. I even ate macaroni and cheese! After several days of that, I can honestly say that I was ready to go back to Paleo. My joints hurt more than usual, I felt like I had the flu, and I was craving salads.

The bottom line is: Overall, I am eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life. I cannot remember the last time I had a bowl of rice and I don’t even miss it anymore. I am feeding my body whole, nutritious foods. And I have lost weight. Not a lot, maybe a pound every two weeks but what has been more noticeable is the change in my body shape. Fat is turning to muscle. I don’t feel bloated anymore; unless I eat buffalo chicken pizza!

More importantly, let’s talk about my autoimmune symptoms. First I have to disclose than I am also taking a new alternative medication called low dose naltrexone (LDN) which I think has also benefited me so it is hard to ascertain if the improvement is due to my diet, allergy shots I have been receiving, the LDN, or most likely, all of the above. I am currently off steroids and my other autoimmune medication, Arava. That fact is simply amazing. I do have some joint pain but this is precipitated by exercise and/or not enough sleep. My dryness symptoms have improved somewhat which was recently noted by my eye doctor. My asthma is under control and the biggest change I have noticed is an improvement in my reflux and esophageal dysmotility symptoms. Fatigue, unfortunately, is still a major issue at times. I have not noticed any improvement in my Raynaud’s symptoms. I still struggle day to day much more than the average person without an autoimmune illness but at this point, I am struggling less than last year at this time.

Now could all of this be coincidence? Possibly. Maybe I am just in an upswing with my illness. But I am going with the theory that time will tell and meanwhile, I have absolutely nothing to lose.

Nutrition For Sjogren’s

“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”  ~ Michael Pollan

On December 1st, I had the opportunity to attend the Greater Boston Sjogren’s Syndrome Support Group. I have been on several different occasions and typically there is a different topic covered at each meeting and features a guest speaker. They have also had groups where there is an informal round table which provides an opportunity for the attendees and their support person to circulate amongst different break out sessions to discuss a variety of topics related to living with Sjogren’s syndrome.

Yesterday’s topic was regarding nutrition and Sjogren’s syndrome. It is something I was  interested in learning more about because I have done some work in this area myself. I strongly feel that it is an untapped area when it comes to the treatment of this illness. I have never had nutrition or diet discussed with me by any of my doctors in regards to Sjogren’s or any other health issue for that matter, Anything I have learned I have learned on my own. I was not sure how much new information I would learn yesterday but I figured that any tips I could get would be helpful and I was not disappointed. I am going to share some of the information provided during the lecture that I either found helpful or that I think you may find helpful.

The speaker was Tara Mardigan, MS, MPH, RD. She is a nutritionist at Lown Cardiovascular Center in Brookline, MA, Team Nutritionist for the Boston Red Sox, and most importantly, she serves on the Medical and Scientific Board of the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=fkdarcw Sjogren’s Nutrition

Pain: Avoid spicy, salty, acidic foods and extreme hot or cold foods. Limit carbonated beverages. Avoid crunchy, dry, chewy, and crisp foods.
GERD: Avoid large, fatty meals, and alcohol. Sit upright after meals. Eat mindfully.
Low body weight: Supplement with high protein shakes or soft bars to add calories. Plan ahead if traveling.
Constipation: Fluids, warm water, prune juice, or warm prunes, gradual introduction of fiber-rich foods, probiotic supplements, cacao nibs, psyllium husk powder, Benefiber, Smooth Move tea, bowel regimen per MD, restorative yoga poses, stretches, small walks, stress management.
Fatigue: Adjust typical meal pattern, choose nutrient-dense foods, limit refined carbohydrates, address sleep issues, add manageable exercise.
Dryness: Keep foods moist with sauces, gravies, prune puree, applesauce, honey, agave nectar, dressings, oils, or yogurt. use a food processor to help chop or liquefy foods. Try tender, slow cooked meats (crockpot). Thin foods with broth, water, or non-acidic juices. Try mini meals with frequent liquids to aid swallowing.
Gluten: Gluten is a protein found in certain grains and can damage the villi lining the small intestine which prevents the body from absorbing nutrients. People with autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren’s have a higher incidence of celiac disease and even just a sensitivity to gluten. It may be worthwhile to try eliminating gluten from the diet to see if it alleviates some of the Sjogren’s symptoms.
Eating right: A typical meal plate should be divided so that it contains fifty percent fruits/vegetables, twenty-five percent carbohydrates, and twenty-five percent lean proteins. Fish, poultry, nuts and beans are the best choice for protein. Choose healthy fats. Limit saturated fats and avoid trans fats. Choose a fiber filled diet. Choose water as your drink of choice and avoid sugary drinks. Increase calcium intake. Milk isn’t the only, or even the best source. Calcium can also be found in non-dairy sources such as almond and soy sources, beans, and greens. Decrease sodium intake. Eat less processed foods.
Omega 3: Sources include fatty fish, flaxseed, hemp, algae, and supplements and may play an important role in the inflammatory response. Discuss specific dose with MD or RD but aim for 1000-3000 mg of EPA/DHA per day. Look for at least 500 mg combined of EPA/DHA per pill or spoonful. Always take fish oil with a meal and keep in the refrigerator to minimize side effects. Caution and check with MD before taking Omega 3 supplements when taking blood thinner such as Coumadin/warfarin.
Vitamin D: Sources include sun, diet, and supplements. Ask MD to check your 25-hydroxyvitamin D, also known as 25(OH)D to determine your vitamin D status. 30ng per milliliter or greater indicates a sufficient level and anything below this indicates a deficiency. 2000IU/day of Vitamin D is the daily dose goal. Deficiency may be linked to neuropathy and lymphoma.
I think this information was the highlight of what was presented yesterday. There was quite a few things I found helpful. For example, I am a strong believer in the benefits of Omega 3’s and have been long before I was ever diagnosed with Sjogren’s. There has been research done showing the positive effects of larger doses of Omega 3’s for depression and with so many of us dealing with Sjogren’s related mood issues, whether it is situation or medication related, Omega 3’s can be a viable option to traditional prescription medication for depression. Omega 3’s are also obviously known for their anti-inflammatory properties and the dosing guidelines that Ms. Mardigan provided are a good tool.
I have also been very recently diagnosed with an esophageal motility disorder related to Sjogren’s and am having difficulty with at least half of the foods that I used to eat. One of my biggest concerns is regarding the nutritional supplement I was given during my hospitalization which was Ensure. I bought some when I came home and also purchased another one called Boost as I had lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. However when I read the bottles, I was shocked to see how much sugar was in these “nutritional” supplements. Sugar is known to contribute to inflammation and there is also dairy in these products and I follow a dairy-free diet. I have spent a lot of time and energy cutting back refined sugars in my diet so I am not eager to get it all back in my nutritional supplement!
I spoke to Ms. Mardigan about this and she told me about a gluten, dairy, and soy-free nutritional supplement product called Vega, available at Whole Foods and online, that I can use instead that does not have the sugar and will provide me with just as much nutritional support, without all the junk. I am hoping to pick some up tomorrow and try it so I will get back to you all on that.
Yesterday’s nutrition lecture did not focus on or even discuss any one particular “diet’ for Sjogren’s, but rather discussed different nutritional strategies one can utilize in an attempt to help manage the symptoms related to this very complicated illness. I would be interested in knowing what nutritional strategies (especially any of you who have been following a Paleo lifestyle as I may be heading in that direction) you have found helpful in managing Sjogren’s syndrome.
Photo Courtesy of Google Images

Partners In A Healthy Lifestyle

The very first time I ever noticed my fiance, I was sitting in my usual pew at church. He was walking down the opposite aisle of the church to sit in his own pew by himself. He had a certain presence about him. Maybe it was his long trench coat that hung on his 6’2″ frame or his stylish cowboy hat. Maybe it was his unassuming presence or the gentle way he looked at people when they were talking to him.

The very first time I knew, although I was in denial about it for months, that I was very attracted to my fiance, he was kneeling by my side after church, offering to lend me some of his movie collection as I was trying to recuperate from a very difficult hospitalization. I subsequently fell in love with him for a million and one reasons. Attraction was a part of that love. I was attracted to him on an emotional, mental and of course, physical level. In my eyes, I never saw him physically as anything less than perfect.

So because of this, it came as a surprise to me when last year he mentioned to me that he had lost weight since we started dating in September 2010, that this weight loss was intentional, and that he wanted to lose more. He told me how much he weighed when we started dating and again, I was surprised. I had never thought of him as overweight and to me he had been perfect just as he was when we started dating. I guess that is what happens when the pheromones are in charge! I found him attractive on all levels and his weight was irrelevant to me.

Ignorantly thinking that men are not as concerned about self image as woman are, I didn’t think much of it and 2012 came upon us. I drastically changed my nutrition plan, eliminating gluten and dairy (to help control my autoimmune symptoms) from my diet which meant that at dinnertime, Chuck did too. After my Guillain-Barre fiasco in February, I got more serious about my health. I started exercising regularly and fine tuned my nutrition plan; eating healthier than I had in my entire life. Because Chuck and I are together most evenings and weekends, my healthier eating affected him as well. It was important to him that I be as healthy as possible and do whatever I needed to do to try and manage my autoimmune illness and although I offered, he never considered the possibility of making two separate meals when we ate together.

And as the months have gone by, I have noticed the changes that he has made one by one. Getting to the gym more often. Eating smaller portions at meals. It has been interesting to watch because he is not dieting, but rather just making lifestyle changes, one at a time. It has been great because to be honest, it has made my lifestyle changes a LOT easier when there are not always so many tempting foods in the house and when your partner doesn’t want to eat out all the time. That is not to say that we don’t treat ourselves or indulge from time to time but when we do, it is without reservation or guilt.

He has become my biggest fan and cheerleader in my quest to become healthier and lose weight. For the first time in my life, I have a partner that supports my mission. It is also the first time I have been in a relationship where I am losing weight rather than gaining weight. And he has never ever complained. Not once. He eats every single gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, sugar-free, cardboard tasting recipe I have ever tried. Together we figure out which ones we both like more than others and then I experiment some more so we are eating food that we truly enjoy. When he cooks on the weekends, he cooks gluten and dairy-free. He makes sure the ingredients are measured so that I can then calculate the Weight Watchers points as I do the Weight Watchers program in addition to my gluten and dairy-free lifestyle.

I have come to realize that we have become quite a team. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to nutrition and exercise. He is better at staying away from take out and fast food. I am better at making sure we have vegetables with our meals. He is better at the fitness aspect of things and has been good in helping me construct an exercise plan that is doable with my illness. I am better at meal planning and keeping the kitchen stocked.

I have blogged about and been very open about my health and weight loss journey but here’s the thing. It is not my journey. It is OUR journey.

That man that I was so attracted to two years ago? I realized when I looked at him about two weeks ago that he is NOT the same man. Not physically. I was so wrapped up in my own journey that although I knew he was losing weight and I could wrap my arms around him a lot easier, I was not fully aware of his amazing transformation.

I saw him getting dressed that morning and just exclaimed “Oh my God!”

I exclaimed a lot of other things but well, this is a public blog so we will leave it at that.

He had muscle definition in his abdomen, legs, and arms that I had never seen before. The result of exercising five days a week. The result of eating healthier. The result of losing thirty pounds in the two years we have been together.

I have to admit, it gives me a twinge of guilt now and then when I look at him. I am not any more attracted to him than I was before he lost weight but I cannot lie. He looks great. I fully appreciate the changes in his body and I have to wonder if on some level that makes me a bit shallow.

But then I stop and think about how concerned I was about his elevated blood pressure at his doctor visit last year before he lost weight.

I stop and think about how maybe this weight loss might prolong his life and therefore our time together.

I stop and think about how happy he is with himself and how proud I am of his accomplishment.

And I realize that those are the things I am really appreciating.

August 2012

Why I am Staying Gluten and Dairy-Free

Best french fries in the world!! Gluten-free!

Over the past month, possibly even longer, I have been thinking a lot about whether this whole gluten and dairy-free eating plan I have been doing is worth it. Although it has gotten much easier, once I started doing Weight Watchers in addition to it, it made things a bit more complicated and challenging. However on two separate occasions, I intentionally ate a food item with gluten and/or dairy in it and noticed that I had some joint pain afterwards. Coincidence? Maybe. However at the time, it wasn’t worth the drama of investigating the issue any further.

That was, until I was off prednisone for over a month and my old enemy, joint pain, came back into my life on a regular basis. Despite a regular exercise regime and eating healthy, the joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis began to worsen as well as the autoimmune related migraines, fatigue, and worsening of dryness symptoms. Is it possible that if I was eating gluten and dairy that the symptoms would have been much worse? Maybe. Like everything related to my illness, nothing is ever certain. Everything about it remains elusive to me.

So I go back on a low dose of prednisone which I remain on as I write this, which has given me some relief while my doctor is working on contacting my previous rheumatologist to investigate what previous treatments have been tried, why they were stopped, what worked and didn’t work, and try to decide if some of the medications I am taking now are making me worse rather than better. There is the possibility of adding another, possibly toxic, medication. The saga never ends.

During all of this, my fiance and I leave for a four day weekend trip to Old Orchard Beach in Maine. A place not exactly known for its gluten and dairy-free lifestyle. Junk food everywhere you turn and you can smell it within like a mile of even approaching the pier and downtown area by the beach. I had a plan though. I packed a bag of gluten and dairy-free snacks for the three hour drive up and back so I wouldn’t have to worry about eating on the road. I did a Google search on restaurants in Old Orchard Beach (OOB) to see what my options were.

I had made a conscious decision that while I was not going to let myself eat out of control, I was not going to be strict about counting points for Weight Watchers while I was away and give myself a break in regards to being so strict about my Weight Watchers plan. I know my leader would probably frown on this but it felt like it was the right thing for me to do. The gluten and dairy issue was going to be difficult enough. I felt confident that once I was back home, I would get right back on track with Weight Watchers, which I have.

My plan at OOB was to allow myself one dairy item which was a soft serve vanilla cone that I have been wanting all summer; and I mean ALL summer. I have been going to ice cream places with friends and their children all summer and getting sorbet with this plan in mind. My intent was for everything else at OOB to be gluten and dairy-free.

So this is what really happened. Out of the four days we were there, I was completely gluten and dairy-free for two of them. I was already having quite a bit of joint pain and fatigue when we got to the beach and pretty much was having a “what the hell is the difference now?” attitude about the whole gluten and dairy issue. I don’t think my eating was out of control in terms of amount but the type of food I ate made me feel so lousy that my body felt like I ate 10x more than I actually did. When I sit and think about the gluten and dairy items I actually DID eat in those two days, it came down to: that small soft serve ice cream cone, one regular beer, a buffalo chicken quesadilla (didn’t finish it), and a large slice of pizza. Everything else I ate the whole trip was gluten and dairy-free as far as I know. But I think the gluten and dairy was such a shock to my system that it felt that I ate so much more than that. It’s called bloat.

Now I cannot say that any of my autoimmune symptoms got worse because I already had joint pain and if anything, that got better. Not from eating gluten and dairy, but probably from being back on pain medication and decreasing my stress levels by being at the beach. But those food items did wreak havoc on my stomach. Now you have to keep in mind what I ate. That was some seriously greasy (and yes tasty) food. I cannot say if it was the gluten and dairy that caused the stomach issues or the type of food that did it. I can say that before vacation, I was eating much healthier. But, I was also eating, on occasion, similar foods such as pizza and buffalo chicken. I was just eating gluten and dairy-free homemade versions that were much healthier as well.

Here is what I do know. Without a doubt, I am very glad that I took my two day hiatus from my gluten-free, dairy-free lifestyle. While it does not answer the question of whether or not gluten and dairy directly the severity of my Sjogren’s syndrome, it is very clear to me that is directly affects my overall health. It does this by making me stop and think about what I put in my mouth. I make healthier food choices. I eat more whole foods rather than processed foods which is much better for people with inflammatory disorders like mine. Gluten and yes, even dairy (no matter what the media tells you), have no nutritional value and therefore are not a necessity for my body. I cook more than I eat out. I have seen improvement in other areas of my health not related to my Sjogren’s including my weight (because I am making better choices), my skin, hair, and nails, my gastrointestional system, and my menstrual cycle.

I am not saying that a gluten-free, dairy-free lifestyle is for everyone but for me, for now, it is worth the effort. My health is worth the effort. My life is worth the effort.

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

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