"In order to write about life, first you must live it." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Category: nutrition (Page 3 of 4)

Eight Weeks Later – The Nutritional Odyssey Continues….

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates Eight weeks later I am still following a nutrition plan that I began January 18, 2012. A lot has happened to me in those eight weeks, both in terms of the eating plan and in regards to my Sjogren’s syndrome. The Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder, has been the catalyst for drastically changing how I eat in the first place. I have written two previous blog entries on the topic which can be found by following these two links so hopefully I am not repeating myself too much: Nutritional Healing
Nutritional Healing Update I started eating this way after hours and days of research in a desperate attempt to try and contribute to controlling my symptoms as my Sjogren’s symptoms were worsening relatively rapidly. I have a history of lousy nutrition and being overweight and since my first autoimmune symptoms in December 2007, not one physician has suggested that I do any dietary changes in an attempt to help alleviate my symptoms. Of course nutrition research is not funded because it is not profitable so there is a scant amount of true research information out in the medical community about the positive effects of diet on autoimmune disorders. However I read enough patient stories and experiences to know it was something I had to try and if it didn’t help my Sjogren’s, it sure as heck was going to help the rest of me. People have been asking me if I have noticed an improvement in my Sjogren’s symptoms with this new way of eating which is gluten and dairy-fee, semi vegetarian, reduced sugar, reduced processed foods, no fast food, whole foods, no soda or caffeine. The answer is: I cannot say with any certainty. The same time I started my eating plan, I started on large doses of steroids for neurological issues, was diagnosed with two blood clots in my lungs, and received a diagnosis of another autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barre. My body has been a huge deposit for steroids, blood thinners, and multiple other medications I am not accustomed to taking. I think that as I wean off the steroids and recover fully from the Guillain-Barre (which I absolutely will), the answer to this question will be more clear. What I can say is that until my last steroid infusion, I was tolerating some of the side effects better than usual, my periods have been more tolerable, cravings for high fat and sugar laden foods have diminished dramatically. I feel much more in control, with a few exceptions, of my eating. Until my last infusion last week, which was the fourth in six weeks, and in addition to oral steroids everyday at home, I had lost weight. This last infusion killed me in terms of fluid retention, gaining some weight (which has already started to come off), drastic mood swings, heart issues, etc. In regards to non autoimmune issues, my lipid profile (which includes cholesterol, LDL, HDL) is the best it has ever been; very close to perfectly normal and my blood sugar is perfect. Very important since I come from a family history of heart disease and diabetes. So time will tell. After doing some research, I also learned that it can take several months to notice a positive effect and I am in this for the long haul. I can honestly say that to the best of my knowledge, I have been on plan with the exception of one time and that demonstrated some proof that I am on to something. After a horrendous appointment with my neurologist last month, I was driving home by myself and was very upset. So how did I deal with that? Burger King drive through of course. The whole works: double cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke. I had not had any Sjogren’s related joint pain in quite a while because of the steroids and sure enough, the next day I woke up so stiff and arthritic that I actually questioned if they gave me the right medicine, steroids, at my last infusion a few days prior. Of course they did. It was the food. I am certain of it.

Tramadol Cheap Uk I wish I could say it has been an easy journey but it has been challenging at times. The learning process, shopping more often, cooking all the time and such really can take a toll on me when I am not physically feeling well; especially with all the neurological issues I have had. Not to mention the physical therapy, doctor’s appointments, etc. However this has just meant that I have to ask for help when I am REALLY sick and that I have to plan and prioritize when I am able to do more for myself. For example, yesterday I spent time going through cookbooks, planning meals, and making a shopping list so that I can decrease my trips to the store. I only have so much energy to use in my day and it is limited lately but the food part HAS to be a priority.

follow My other challenge has been eating out and eating at other people’s homes. Because in reality, the rest of the world is not eating exactly like me although for the life of me, I cannot imagine why. Eating out has gotten easier and I have found a few restaurants that are very accommodating to my needs. They include places Red Robin, Pizzeria Unos, The Roadhouse, which is a local joint in my town, and a slew of independently owned restaurants in some nearby towns. I am finding that gluten-free is not as big a deal as finding a place that provides gluten AND dairy free options. I am hoping that as awareness of food allergies catches on more, there will be more options available so I can visit some of my old favorite haunts such as Kristina’s and the Hanger (both local places as well) once in a while.

Purchase Tramadol Visa My experience with eating at other people’s homes and social functions has been limited because of my health lately but I was at a family function this past weekend that was challenging, VERY challenging. But I did it. I knew there was going to be pizza, birthday cake, etc. So I brought my own supper and a low sugar, gluten/dairy-free dessert and thought how awesome it was that I was so prepared.

Yeah, not so much.

Pizza is my favorite food in the world and the aroma of the pepperoni soaked pie almost did me in. Plus I was all messed up from the steroids. I wanted to dive into that box head first or at the very least, take it and run like hell. So one might ask, why deprive yourself? What is the big deal about a slice or two of pizza? The big deal is that gluten and dairy can do damage to your intestines that you may not even know about and set you back god knows how long. It is not like a traditional diet where you give in to your craving and move on, compensating for it later. At least not that I know of and I wasn’t willing to risk all that hard work. I left that evening pizza free. And you can bet I will be making an awesome gluten and dairy-free pizza for Chuck and I sometime this week.

I have also found it very helpful to be prepared for travel such as for doctor appointments and long days. I bought a lunch box, a bunch of food containers, ice packs, etc. When you have what you can eat right at your disposal, it makes a huge difference when you come across a hospital coffee shop that literally only has a bag of peanuts and a bruised apple to choose from while you wait an extra hour to see your doctor!

So these have been some of the challenges in my new found way of eating. There have been a lot of blessings though as well. To start with, I have found a love of cooking that I never knew I had. And to be honest, I am kind of good at it! I am not the most creative cook so I rely a lot on some really great cookbooks I have found. However slowly but surely, I am learning to make some things without a recipe and discovering a culinary world I never knew existed. It makes me feel good to create something with my own hands that is healthy and nutritious for my body. Yes, there are occasions that I resort to a gluten/dairy-free processed meal that some factory made for me but I feel no guilt about that because it is so infrequent.

I also enjoy the challenge of creating dishes and meals that are not only on plan, but also taste fantastic. I appreciate food now more than ever because I actually taste the FOOD itself; imagine that! I also find that I am starting to look forward to certain healthy foods such as kale, black eyed peas, and quinoa, rather that Chef Boyardee ravioli or fast food.

I never want to be one of those people who runs around saying how their lifestyle is the only way to go; whether it be in regards to food, exercise, or anything else. But I will continue to let people know how it is going and share information. Not just because I happen to have this autoimmune disorder, but because the fact is, the typical American diet is lethal and the incidence of obesity and weight related health issues in this country is off the charts. We are so obsessed with losing weight that we don’t stop to think about being healthy. That should be the goal.

Sometimes all it takes is a small change. Eat a vegetable every day. Pass on the fried appetizer. I started this way of eating plan eight weeks ago but reality is, the process started for me a year ago when I drank my first green smoothie in an effort to get more greens into my body.

A whole year ago.

Who knows where I, or you, can be a year from now….

Photos: Courtesy of Google Images

Nutritional Healing Update

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” ~ Michael Pollan

It has been about two and a half weeks now since I made some radical changes in the way I eat. A lot has changed and I have to say it has been quite the journey so far. A few close family members and friends have been a great support in this HUGE learning process and I am grateful. I have also received a lot of questions and comments regarding what I am doing so I thought I would do a blog update on how things are going and post some helpful information I have learned along the way thus far.

Since starting this new way of eating, I have been better able to define exactly what it is I am trying to do. What is that? Well to start with, I am completely gluten and dairy-free (including casein). I am soda and fast food free. I have drastically reduced my refined sugar intake and have reduced my processed food intake. I am working on the artificial sweetener thing which at this point is only in my gluten/dairy-free flavored waters; which I have cut back on. I am eating semi vegetarian and trying to focus mostly on whole foods.

At this point, I think I am past the nasty withdrawal phase of eliminating dairy, gluten, and refined sugar. And yes, if you spend some time researching this, you will find that all three can be addicting. I say I am through the withdrawal because despite being on a large amount of steroids (which for many of us causes excessive sugar/food cravings), I am no longer willing to sell my soul on an hourly basis for a loaf of garlic bread or a regular chocolate chip cookie. Not that I don’t desire something like that once in a while, I do. However it no longer consumes my thoughts. It is a very freeing experience and I am sure at some point, I will blog on food cravings and addictions.

I think it is too soon to say if I noticed a difference in my autoimmune symptoms, as that can take several months and it has been all of two and a half weeks. I am in the throes of a very difficult time with my Sjogren’s syndrome which is bringing up new significant issues. I am also on a hefty dose of steroids (orally and intravenously) which, as some of you know, can help a whole host of problems in addition to the ones I am taking them for. This can make it difficult to distinguish if the steroids are helpful or the diet. I did start the diet and the increased steroids at the same time BUT that being said, I have absolutely no issues at all with my sinuses or allergies; which have plagued me before I ever knew I had an autoimmune disorder and are exacerbated by the Sjogren’s. Those issues are completely gone at the moment. Prednisone is also notorious for causing weight gain and swelling. I am no longer bloated, have no swelling, and the scale this morning says I am down seven pounds despite not being able to exercise or get much physical activity at all for that matter.

Right now, that’s all good enough for me to keep going.

One of my strengths in this whole process (in addition to some amazing support) has been my outlook on what I am doing. It’s a challenge and I am viewing it as such. Yes, it sucks sometimes, but I just stop and think about the good things I am doing for my body and my future. Not to mention my fiance’s health; which is good, but I would like to keep it that way! I make it a challenge to eat plentiful and well without being deprived. It means a lot of cooking, browsing the stores, and reading. Not to mention planning! One of my goals is to make food pleasurable, without making it the enemy.

I have discovered a whole world of foods and tastes that I never knew existed and I have to say, that is exciting! I have had a notorious reputation amongst my family and friends for being a very finicky eater and never in a million years did I think I would eat foods like, lentils, beans, hummus, kale, and yes, even tomatoes. But I have to say that are very few foods I have tried that I hated or wouldn’t try again in a different way. The image that comes to my mind with that statement is Chuck and I standing at the kitchen counter trying our first vegan cheese slice by a company that shall remain nameless for now. I knew when I sliced it that it was going to be sketchy! Sure enough, we each had a piece in our mouth and as I was chewing it and trying not to vomit, I saw my 6’2″ fiance lean over and spew the nastiness right into the trash can without hesitation. It was a hysterical moment I will remember when I am ninety.

As I am eating more natural and unprocessed foods, taste has become a new experience. I know this sounds bizarre, but I taste food differently now. When I do eat meat, I enjoy it so much more because it is not smothered with dairy, bread, or preservatives. I am learning quickly the value of a fully stocked spice cabinet and I am purchasing fresh herbs on a regular basis for the first time in my life. It’s pretty neat.

I know as the weeks and months progress and I attempt to get through this current autoimmune crisis, I will be eating out more in public and the challenges with that will likely increase. But I think I am building a good foundation at a time where it is important for me to play an active part in getting well. Changing my diet may not cure my autoimmune illness and it might not even help, it but in the end, I think it will make me healthier in so many other ways. And I have spent enough time being sick. I have things to do and a life to live.

One bite at a time.

The following is a list of processed/packaged foods that I have found helpful in transitioning to a more plant based, whole foods diet. In an ideal world, processed foods will not be part of my diet but I cannot sit here and honestly say that at some point, I will be eating completely processed food free. I just don’t know, I am trying. Meanwhile, these are healthier, not to mention delicious alternatives.

Cedar’s Garden Vegetable hummus
Cedar’s Lemon hummus
Mediterranean Snack Company Rosemary Lentil Chips
Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese
Tofutti fake sour cream
Food Should Taste Good Lime tortilla chips
Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato tortilla chips
Late July Organic Sea Salt snack chips
Daiya shredded cheddar cheese
Enjoy Life Seed and Fruit Mix
Organicville salad dressings and condiments
Earth Balance natural soy free butter spread
Unsweetened soy milk
Soy yogurt
Sunflower butter

I have indulged a bit on Amazon in the book department. Since I am not typically a big shopper, this probably has our mailman wondering what the heck is going on since he has been here several times over the past two weeks. God bless Amazon gifts cards!

These are the books that I have read and found incredibly helpful and informative. There are a few more behind them just waiting to be explored.

The Pure Kitchen by Hallie Klecker
Gluten-free, dairy-free, and low sugar recipes. She does a nice job in the beginning of the book explaining what a pure kitchen is. I particularly like her approach to using substitutes for sugar and the two recipes I have tried so far have been great.

Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr
This book just rocks. Written by a cancer patient who has a tell-it-like-it -is approach, she had me at the first politically incorrect word she used. I read an excerpt to Chuck, while I was waiting to have an MRI done, and he laughed out loud. I learned an astounding amount of information about the pitfalls and dangers of gluten, dairy, etc. Some may find some of her approaches radical; I find it holistic and informative.

The Happy Herbivore and Everyday Happy Herbivore by Lindsay S. Nixon
I liked The Happy Herbivore recipes enough to buy the second book so that is a good sign. I bought the first book before I knew I was going dairy and gluten-free which many of the recipes are not, but substitutions are not a big deal. Then I delighted to see that Everyday Happy Herbivore listed recipes according to allergies like gluten and dairy. There were also suggestions about substitutions. Both books have helped me enter the vegetarian world much easier.

The Road Less Traveled

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” ~ M. Scott Peck

I have had a lot of questions about how my new found eating plan has been going so I figured I would blog about it rather than updating my Facebook status several times more a day than I already do. I know, I am working on that. What can I say? It’s winter, I have been housebound way more than usual, and even the dog gets sick of listening to me after a while!

So I have been going strong since the day after Christmas with eating healthier and getting back on my green smoothies. I wrote about my intention to further expand this in my previous blog entries: Patient, Heal Thyself and Nutritional Healing.  Last week I started the whole gluten-free, dairy-free, semi vegetarian, no soda, minimally processed foods, reduced sugar business. And yes, I am pretty much making it up as I go along since this is not a specific “diet” plan so to speak. Rather, it is a hodgepodge of what I currently think to be in my best interest health wise.

I will be frank. It has been difficult, very difficult. But not more difficult than my Sjogren’s Syndrome related health issues over the past few months and especially over the past two weeks. I am glad that I started to detox from all the Christmas indulgences the day after the holiday. It gave my body a chance to adjust to being off caffeine (which I was off of until the holidays) and processed sugar. I truly believe that there are certain foods that I am addicted to and the big ones are sugar and fast food. I also have found it amazing that once I have gone through that detoxification process, I crave the bad stuff so much less. Past experience has taught me that once I have more than a treat or two in a week, all bets are off because my body seems to then want it more and more.

One of the biggest challenges has been that I am doing this all at a time when I am taking a dose of steroids (prednisone) that I have never had to take at this dose (50mg a day) for this long a duration. Prednisone is notorious for causing excessive hunger, weight gain, cravings and menstrual difficulties which can in turn produce hormonal changes that affect all of the previously stated issues!  But I am resolved to not let that be a barrier for me. In addition, if my nutrition changes help my autoimmune disorder, then hopefully the prednisone will someday soon be a thing of the past. I know I need to give the nutritional plan at least three or four months before I can make a decision about whether it is working for me or not.

Another huge challenge for me has been figuring out the whole gluten-free/dairy-free situation. It is not that difficult to figure out one or the other but the two combined gives me a run for my money. Gluten and the hidden protein of dairy, called casein, are in an unbelievable amount of foods and personal care products.Think about anything processed: condiments, sauces, bread, pasta, beer, drinks, salad dressings, baked goods, cold cuts, marinated meats, hot chocolate; foods in restaurants; I could go on and on! I am not sure how diligent I need to be with the gluten in the personal care products such as  lotion, makeup, shampoo, etc. but I am going to err on the side of caution. My thinking is that if I am putting myself through all this, get it right the first time. As luck would have it, a lot of the personal care products I use because of my Sjogren’s are gluten-free anyways…thank god!

I have found many ways to make this whole process easier. The internet has been an invaluable tool as has my social network of friends and acquaintances who have trail blazed before me. I love the fact that I can type in “is Heinz ketchup gluten-free?” and get an immediate response; most of the time! Certain stores like Trader Joe’s, which I have always loved anyways, do a huge part with training their employees in helping you out. I found out today that they even have a bulletin board with different allergy food lists so that you can take the list around the store in order to make life easier.

I have also learned two valuable things; I must cook at home most of the time in order to accomplish this great nutritional feat and I must speak up for myself without worrying what other people are going to think. At home I have complete control over what is in my kitchen and more importantly, what goes in my mouth. When out in public, especially at restaurants, I have to ask as many questions as I need to and be proactive about bringing my own food as needed. I have been blessed with a very supportive fiancee whom although I do not expect to do this exact plan with me, is more than willing to eat whatever I make. I have successfully divided up our cabinet in sections for foods that are allowable for me and then not allowable in order to make the process easier for both of us. As a matter of fact, as I am writing this, he is giving me a break from cooking and whipping up a pot of gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian chili for tomorrow and the next couple of days.

I so love this man.

I know restaurants and socializing will end up being my biggest struggle with this whole way of life but I think it will get easier with time. I don’t want to avoid social situations just because I don’t think I can participate. I had my first restaurant meal at Pizzeria Unos the other day with my mom after a very long day. We were both famished after my doctor’s appointment and I had left my car in their parking lot so she could drive the rest of the way to Hartford. I had done a little online restaurant research and thought I might be able to get a decent, safe meal there. I was not disappointed. They had a separate gluten-free menu and the waitress was good at helping me figure out how to avoid the dairy. It was quite an enjoyable meal with my mom!

As I go through the next month or two of meeting with doctors and undergoing medical tests to try and sort some new things out in regards to the Sjogren’s Syndrome, I know that I am doing everything in my power to hopefully help heal myself. I am taking one day at a time, one hour at a time even. I am discovering a host of new foods that not only did I not know existed, but that I actually enjoy. It is  exciting doing such a positive change for myself.

It makes me feel empowered.

It gives me some peace.

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Nutritional Healing

“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” ~ Michael Pollan

As I have been blogging about recently, the whole Sjogren’s Syndrome/health situation has pretty much been on a steady decline for me lately. Along with many other avenues of trying to improve my situation, I am amping up my efforts at figuring out an appropriate and healing way for me to eat. I won’t call it a diet and if I use the word “diet” anywhere by mistake, please call me on it!

Right after Christmas last month, I had decided to resume my green smoothie plan (I will probably blog about this in the future), get back on track with eliminating soda and fast food, and attempt to eliminate as much processed foods and refined sugar as possible. That in itself was enough of a challenge because up until 2011 my eating habits were horrible for most of my life. At one point I was one hundred pounds overweight. And as I spend more and more time reading about nutrition, I cannot help but wonder how much of my destructive eating habits have contributed to either the onset or severity of my autoimmune illness. Not that I am looking for a self induced guilt trip, but I don’t think that I can honestly sit here and say there can be no possible way for it to be related. Maybe yes, maybe no. But I have to find out if I can now make it better. As I have continued to research information and read patient stories from my bed and couch, it has became clear to me that I really need to make this nutrition plan dairy free and gluten free as well.


I did not come to this decision easily. Especially because there is SO MUCH conflicting information out in the nutrition and health world about what is the best way to eat in order to maximize your wellness. Some information says go strictly vegetarian, some says eat Paleo like our ancestors did (which includes grains and meat), no this, no that. It is also challenging because even if a nutrition plan has certain restrictions such as being gluten free, it does not necessarily mean that is healthy. There are a wider choice of gluten free processed products on those supermarket shelves right now. You can make a snack of gluten free tortilla chips and top it with dairy free cheese and dip it in dairy free sour cream but I am guessing that that is not the type of food that will help fuel my body in a healthy manner on a regular basis.

It is all quite complex and enough to make you want to scream! However for my particular situation of trying to manage a chronic autoimmune illness, I feel that I have educated myself enough about which plan of eating will be the best choice for me.

Problem is though, I wasn’t sure how to define my new eating habits. This wasn’t important to me because I needed a name to it but rather because I thought it would help me define what the heck I was doing. Having a name would help me locate recipes and cookbooks that would better steer me in the right direction. I am knowledgeable enough to know that you can take a recipe and modify it into a certain formula that meets your dietary restrictions but honestly, I need it simpler than that right now. Between my physical challenges, doctor appointments, and managing my day to day existence, I have my hands full. I am willing to put the effort into figuring out what foods are appropriate in the supermarket and into cooking at home, but I need clearer guidelines as to how to proceed.

So I developed my own eating plan and that is the following: Gluten/dairy free; semi vegetarian; whole foods with minimal amounts of processed foods and refined sugars; no soda or fast food at all.

So what do you think? I know it seems quite ambitious but desperate times call for desperate measures. I cannot expect to make any type of life changing, possibly harmful, decisions about putting new toxic medications into my body without putting forth a 100% effort on my own behalf. I think there is a place for both and they are not mutually exclusive of each other.

And on that note, it is time to hit the kitchen….

Photos: Courtesy of Google Images

Patient, Heal Thyself

“It is during those quiet hours of desperation that truth and enlightenment are revealed to us.” ~ Me

The past five days or so have been some of the longest I have physically struggled through in quite a while. You know that saying “It can’t get worse?” Well, it can get worse so you may want to think twice before uttering that well-meaning phrase. When I thought that the Sjogren’s joint pain I experienced back in 2008, before I was treated with any type of medication, was as bad as it could get, I didn’t realize that it could be outdone by the stabbing, burning, and agonizing feeling of nerve pain. Well at least that is what it seems to be according to my primary care’s physician assistant. I’ll get back to you all on that when I can finally get in to see my rheumatologist this week.

So the hours of the holiday weekend ticked on. I tried not to panic when I struggled with my coordination and balance as I tried to get some errands done with Chuck. I prayed for relief and did everything within my resources to deal with it. My mental arsenal was (is) low because the medical plan has been to treat this issue at home over the weekend, until I can see my rheumatologist, with a high dose of steroids; a dose that I have only taken once or twice without being hospitalized. To be honest, I prefer to be at home, despite my anxiety over my stumbling into a wall here and there. The problem though is that as I have previously blogged about, the steroids wreak havoc on me. Especially when first starting the drug and especially at larger doses, unprovoked crying jags are frequent, I start to feel a little out of control, and sleep is nothing but a distant memory.

As I wrote about in my previous blog entry Giving Up and Finding Peace, recent health events have found me on a path of wanting to give up fighting and struggling with Sjogren’s all the time so that instead I can work towards accepting where I am in my journey with this illness and become more effective in my coping and my ability to live a more peaceful existence.

While I was trying to cope hour after hour over the past few days, I used a variety of things to distract myself from focusing on the pain and side effects of the prednisone. One of those distracting techniques was spending time surfing the net, especially when television was lousy at three am. I did a lot of surfing about diet and nutrition these past few days.

Even before these past few difficult days, I have been spending time talking to other Sjogren’s patients and doing research about the role of nutrition and diet in autoimmune disorders. As many of my readers know, I started making more of a conscious effort last spring to eat healthier and exercise when I was able to. It was about getting healthier and I thought that losing weight would accomplish that. I did lose some more weight in addition to what I had lost over the past two years but then as I got a little lazy and took more steroids, I gained a little back. What was important though was that I learned a lot about nutrition along the way and improved my cholesterol scores dramatically.

So during those wee hours of the morning, while surfing the internet and reading articles and patient stories, I had my moment of truth.

I was enlightened.

I realized that I have truly never accepted the notion of treating my illness with nutrition.


Because I didn’t think that I could do it and I didn’t want to let go of the multiple dependencies I think I probably have on certain types of foods like sugar, additives, dairy, and processed foods. I wasn’t fully taking responsibility for my health. I was complaining on a regular basis about the failure of the medical system; a system that was not helping me get better. But yet, what about my responsibility as the caretaker of my body?

After all the reading I have done over the past week, it is absolutely ridiculous of me to not pursue drastically changing my diet in an attempt to improve my health. Yes, there are not tons and tons of factual scientific studies saying that eating a more plant based diet and eliminating gluten, dairy, additives, and processed foods will cure your autoimmune disorder, but the stories are there. People like me who feel better, have fewer flare-ups, and more energy eating in a more healthful way.

After all the new and recurrent Sjogren’s health issues I have dealt with over the past six months, how can I NOT give this kind of eating a real chance? The challenge of eliminating gluten and most processed foods in addition to the dairy, soda, and high sugar foods I have already eliminated overwhelms me. I mean really, what is there left to eat? Ahh, veggies…and fruits…nuts and beans…gluten-free grains. The good stuff so they say. I don’t expect it to be a miracle cure. But I do expect to gain something from putting some faith in myself and in what kinds of things I put into my body. And who knows, maybe the process will also help me attain a little peace along my journey….

Photos: Courtesy of Chuck Myers and Google Images

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