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Category: Sjogren’s Syndrome (Page 21 of 23)

Nutritional Healing

“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” ~ Michael Pollan

https://www.yolascafe.com/doptbjb As I have been blogging about recently, the whole Sjogren’s Syndrome/health situation has pretty much been on a steady decline for me lately. Along with many other avenues of trying to improve my situation, I am amping up my efforts at figuring out an appropriate and healing way for me to eat. I won’t call it a diet and if I use the word “diet” anywhere by mistake, please call me on it!

click here Right after Christmas last month, I had decided to resume my green smoothie plan (I will probably blog about this in the future), get back on track with eliminating soda and fast food, and attempt to eliminate as much processed foods and refined sugar as possible. That in itself was enough of a challenge because up until 2011 my eating habits were horrible for most of my life. At one point I was one hundred pounds overweight. And as I spend more and more time reading about nutrition, I cannot help but wonder how much of my destructive eating habits have contributed to either the onset or severity of my autoimmune illness. Not that I am looking for a self induced guilt trip, but I don’t think that I can honestly sit here and say there can be no possible way for it to be related. Maybe yes, maybe no. But I have to find out if I can now make it better. As I have continued to research information and read patient stories from my bed and couch, it has became clear to me that I really need to make this nutrition plan dairy free and gluten free as well.

https://alldayelectrician.com/zgbszl8m Yikes.

https://www.elevators.com/f6kchflh I did not come to this decision easily. Especially because there is SO MUCH conflicting information out in the nutrition and health world about what is the best way to eat in order to maximize your wellness. Some information says go strictly vegetarian, some says eat Paleo like our ancestors did (which includes grains and meat), no this, no that. It is also challenging because even if a nutrition plan has certain restrictions such as being gluten free, it does not necessarily mean that is healthy. There are a wider choice of gluten free processed products on those supermarket shelves right now. You can make a snack of gluten free tortilla chips and top it with dairy free cheese and dip it in dairy free sour cream but I am guessing that that is not the type of food that will help fuel my body in a healthy manner on a regular basis.

Tramadol Buy Online Canada It is all quite complex and enough to make you want to scream! However for my particular situation of trying to manage a chronic autoimmune illness, I feel that I have educated myself enough about which plan of eating will be the best choice for me.

see url Problem is though, I wasn’t sure how to define my new eating habits. This wasn’t important to me because I needed a name to it but rather because I thought it would help me define what the heck I was doing. Having a name would help me locate recipes and cookbooks that would better steer me in the right direction. I am knowledgeable enough to know that you can take a recipe and modify it into a certain formula that meets your dietary restrictions but honestly, I need it simpler than that right now. Between my physical challenges, doctor appointments, and managing my day to day existence, I have my hands full. I am willing to put the effort into figuring out what foods are appropriate in the supermarket and into cooking at home, but I need clearer guidelines as to how to proceed.

click here So I developed my own eating plan and that is the following: Gluten/dairy free; semi vegetarian; whole foods with minimal amounts of processed foods and refined sugars; no soda or fast food at all.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/tjj23e216 So what do you think? I know it seems quite ambitious but desperate times call for desperate measures. I cannot expect to make any type of life changing, possibly harmful, decisions about putting new toxic medications into my body without putting forth a 100% effort on my own behalf. I think there is a place for both and they are not mutually exclusive of each other.

source link And on that note, it is time to hit the kitchen….

follow Photos: Courtesy of Google Images

Patient, Heal Thyself

“It is during those quiet hours of desperation that truth and enlightenment are revealed to us.” ~ Me

go site The past five days or so have been some of the longest I have physically struggled through in quite a while. You know that saying “It can’t get worse?” Well, it can get worse so you may want to think twice before uttering that well-meaning phrase. When I thought that the Sjogren’s joint pain I experienced back in 2008, before I was treated with any type of medication, was as bad as it could get, I didn’t realize that it could be outdone by the stabbing, burning, and agonizing feeling of nerve pain. Well at least that is what it seems to be according to my primary care’s physician assistant. I’ll get back to you all on that when I can finally get in to see my rheumatologist this week.

https://purestpotential.com/bk13hro So the hours of the holiday weekend ticked on. I tried not to panic when I struggled with my coordination and balance as I tried to get some errands done with Chuck. I prayed for relief and did everything within my resources to deal with it. My mental arsenal was (is) low because the medical plan has been to treat this issue at home over the weekend, until I can see my rheumatologist, with a high dose of steroids; a dose that I have only taken once or twice without being hospitalized. To be honest, I prefer to be at home, despite my anxiety over my stumbling into a wall here and there. The problem though is that as I have previously blogged about, the steroids wreak havoc on me. Especially when first starting the drug and especially at larger doses, unprovoked crying jags are frequent, I start to feel a little out of control, and sleep is nothing but a distant memory.

https://www.marineetstamp.com/rtaijqqelzs As I wrote about in my previous blog entry Giving Up and Finding Peace, recent health events have found me on a path of wanting to give up fighting and struggling with Sjogren’s all the time so that instead I can work towards accepting where I am in my journey with this illness and become more effective in my coping and my ability to live a more peaceful existence.

Order Tramadol From Canada While I was trying to cope hour after hour over the past few days, I used a variety of things to distract myself from focusing on the pain and side effects of the prednisone. One of those distracting techniques was spending time surfing the net, especially when television was lousy at three am. I did a lot of surfing about diet and nutrition these past few days.

Can U Get Tramadol Online Even before these past few difficult days, I have been spending time talking to other Sjogren’s patients and doing research about the role of nutrition and diet in autoimmune disorders. As many of my readers know, I started making more of a conscious effort last spring to eat healthier and exercise when I was able to. It was about getting healthier and I thought that losing weight would accomplish that. I did lose some more weight in addition to what I had lost over the past two years but then as I got a little lazy and took more steroids, I gained a little back. What was important though was that I learned a lot about nutrition along the way and improved my cholesterol scores dramatically.

https://penielenv.com/u5ohffwv2f So during those wee hours of the morning, while surfing the internet and reading articles and patient stories, I had my moment of truth.

follow I was enlightened.

https://geolatinas.org/9fcoc10ud I realized that I have truly never accepted the notion of treating my illness with nutrition.

https://www.marineetstamp.com/uks3c09yx Why?

click here Because I didn’t think that I could do it and I didn’t want to let go of the multiple dependencies I think I probably have on certain types of foods like sugar, additives, dairy, and processed foods. I wasn’t fully taking responsibility for my health. I was complaining on a regular basis about the failure of the medical system; a system that was not helping me get better. But yet, what about my responsibility as the caretaker of my body?

https://www.mreavoice.org/14l1j6xyl After all the reading I have done over the past week, it is absolutely ridiculous of me to not pursue drastically changing my diet in an attempt to improve my health. Yes, there are not tons and tons of factual scientific studies saying that eating a more plant based diet and eliminating gluten, dairy, additives, and processed foods will cure your autoimmune disorder, but the stories are there. People like me who feel better, have fewer flare-ups, and more energy eating in a more healthful way.

go to site After all the new and recurrent Sjogren’s health issues I have dealt with over the past six months, how can I NOT give this kind of eating a real chance? The challenge of eliminating gluten and most processed foods in addition to the dairy, soda, and high sugar foods I have already eliminated overwhelms me. I mean really, what is there left to eat? Ahh, veggies…and fruits…nuts and beans…gluten-free grains. The good stuff so they say. I don’t expect it to be a miracle cure. But I do expect to gain something from putting some faith in myself and in what kinds of things I put into my body. And who knows, maybe the process will also help me attain a little peace along my journey….

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Giving Up and Finding Peace

“Anything in life that we don’t accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it.” ~ Shakti Gawain

Buy Cheap Tramadol Online Cod My fiancee and I were watching a movie in bed last night, Not because we were having this big romantic lustful evening, but because our bed was the only place I could get remotely comfortable after a nightmarish week of autoimmune related health issues, including severe pain. After the movie finished, I turned to him and asked him if he ever just felt like giving up. The question came out of my mouth so fast that at that moment, I realized how strongly I felt about wanting to give up. I didn’t mean giving up as in ending my life, but I meant giving up in the sense of not fighting so hard to try and be well. I wanted to give up all the doctor’s appointment, medications, advocating for myself, all of it. Most importantly I wanted to give up trying to maintain this positive attitude of “life is great, I am so grateful” crap.

https://purestpotential.com/066hm5hbzas Because reality is, sometimes it is crap. I have always tried to adopt this attitude of “fake it till you make it” because I honestly do believe that it works. The power of positive thinking is a strong one and thoughts do dictate emotions. If I am feeling down and out, I act like everything is better than it is; not because I am in denial but because positivity perpetuates wellness. The problem is that sometimes it does not give you the opportunity to truly acknowledge that sometimes things just suck. You go along through a chronic health situation and all of a sudden, the wall of illness seems insurmontable; the odds too difficult to beat. I think that as patients, and as human beings, we need to stop and be true to ourselves in acknowledging the reality of a lousy situation.

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/myypti2t0ut But maybe it is not about beating the odds and maybe it is about finding new ways to go around and over the wall of illness rather than trying to get through it. It is becoming quite apparent to me that over the past six months or so, the course of my Sjogren’s Syndrome has become more severe. Rather than being stable for a few weeks or months at a time, I am constantly dealing with one issue or symptom exacerbation after another. I cannot do everything I was capable of doing six or nine months ago. My ability to socialize on a regular basis or take any kind of trip has diminished significantly. Even the daily activities, such as housework and errands, that I could do more readily have been impacted.

https://www.yolascafe.com/xbnbvm6 So where has this left me?

follow url It has left me really ticked off…and frustrated…and discouraged.

enter As this week has progressed and I have found out that my most recent pain and walking crisis may be due to Sjogren’s related nerve damage, I have come to the realization that I am constantly attempting to go through the wall rather than around it or over it. My motivation in trying to get myself better is to try and physically be the person I was before I got sick so that I can go back to work as a nurse and do all the social and physically active things that I used to be able to do. The problem with this is that I have this illness that does not allow for that. I can sit here banging my head against the wall and say I am going to be strong and determined. I WILL overcome and beat this disease. But all this does is leave me working for something that may be impossible to attain while at the same time losing sight of what I DO have. And I have a lot.

follow site And the worst part of all this is….

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https://danivoiceovers.com/4lqwpeen6 The nerve pain has ravaged my body leaving me sleep deprived, cranky, and overwhelmed recently. The worry and stress over how poorly my body has been functioning and the implications of yet another system involved in my illness has eaten away at me.

click I have no peace.

enter site I am so busy trying to be strong and determined in an effort to defeat the Sjogren’s beast that I have let it rob me of my peace. This in turn makes me quesion everything else about myself; my ability to follow through on social commitments, my ability to persist with my Sjogren’s book project, my ability to be the kind of partner that my fiancee deserves.

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Mastercard So instead of trying to go through the wall and get back the body I once had, I think it is time to find a way around the wall and develop ways to effectively cope with the body I have now. Maybe this is what I meant by saying I wanted to give up. I want to stop fighting and resisting. Rather, I want to accept the reality of where I am and the implications of my diagnosis while at the same time, continue to learn and utilize different healing treatments to restore and maintain as much of my functioning as my body will allow. I want to attempt to find ways to cope so that my pain and other symptoms do not dictate where I am mentally or spiritually as a person

And if I can accomplish this maybe, just maybe,

I will have peace.

Photo Courtesy of Chuck Myers


The Power of Facebook

I have read a lot of articles lately about the hazards of Facebook. These articles have talked about how teens, and also adults, can bully each other through the use of this social media giant. The articles also mentioned how many people get so consumed by checking status updates, notifications, and playing games on Facebook that the other aspects of their lives suffer. Facebook has also been blamed for less face to face interactions between people which results in social isolation. I don’t disagree with any of these claims as I have witnessed all of these pitfalls of Facebook. But I would like to present another view about Facebook that many people I know never get to experience.

When you have a chronic illness, social medias like Facebook can be your saving grace. Since I started battling Sjogren’s Syndrome, Facebook has been an enormous wealth of information and support for me. To start with, there are a vast amount of pages and groups that discuss various topics, which is helpful when you are trying to access information about such a poorly understood illness like Sjogren’s Syndrome. These pages and groups provide a diverse selection of information regarding subjects such as nutrition, alternative health, wellness, exercise, and positive inspiration.

One of the most significant of these Facebook pages and groups is one I follow on a daily basis called the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation page. It is a place where patients, and others, can discuss different ways to manage symptoms and what treatments they find useful or not useful. It is a place where we can vent our frustrations to people who truly understand what we are going through. I have had the opportunity to receive some very good advice and tips from this page as well as the opportunity to help others; something that is so critical when you are out of work as a nurse and miss having the capability to give back to other people on a daily basis.

I have also had the chance to get and know some of the wonderful people on the Sjogren’s Syndrome Facebook page on a more personal basis through e-mails and online conversations. They have become a valuable part of my journey through this illness. Because of them, I have learned about the power of sharing my story and of hearing other people’s stories.

One of the stories that I have been blessed to start hearing lately is in part due to Facebook. A while back I sent a friend request to someone in my church. This person spent some time reading my blog, which I post on Facebook regularly. She realized that I had Sjogren’s Syndrome. She also has a friend, who lives in our small town, that has Sjogren’s as well. This friend and I have now had the opportunity to connect through e-mail messages. According to statistics, Sjogren’s is not that uncommon as it affects four million people in this country. However the reality is that it is an illness that most people have never heard of and is very poorly understood, even amongst the medical community. Therefore it would seem amazing that two of us have found each other in this relatively small town. It is quite a blessing as well.

Another aspect of Facebook that I have found invaluable is the easy access it has given me to my friends and family, as well as to the world in general. It is very easy to become isolated when you are living by yourself, which I did for almost two years before moving in with my fiancee; or when are suddenly out of work. You never realize how much your work life provides you with social interaction until you find yourself jobless. Between managing my health, my home, and other day to day needs, I never find myself bored, but it can be challenging to keep connected with the world from your home when most of the rest of the world is at work.

Also during the course of my illness, I have had difficulties with my voice and breathing which has made communication on the phone not a viable option at times. Issues with mobility, pain, and fatigue oftentimes makes leaving the house impossible. Facebook provides me the opportunity to be a part of our daily world when my body does not want to. For me, Facebook has not caused social isolation as is so frequently stated in these articles I have mentioned; it has freed me from it.

So despite the fact that Facebook often drives me bonkers with all of its constant updates and changes, not to mention the ongoing privacy issues, I say “thank you” to Mark Zuckerberg for his ingenuity in the creation of this social media giant. Thank you for giving me, and so many others, the opportunity to support each other and enable us to be more informed and educated patients.

Photo: Courtesy of Google Images       

Music and Love

“The total person sings not just the vocal chords.” ~ Esther Broner
“Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.” ~ Edith Piaf

Every year my church has a Christmas Cantata. Last year, our Cantata was going to be my first concert as I had just joined the choir about six weeks prior to the performance. A good friend of mine, Kathy, was a long standing member of the choir at that time and had encouraged me, despite many physical obstacles, to join the choir as she knew my passion for singing. Tragically, my dear friend died suddenly on December 17th, two days before our performance. It was a very difficult time to say the least. The cantata was a blur. My clearest memory of the event that day was the effort I, and the rest of my choir members, had to make to keep from crying while we were singing that morning.

One year has passed since that terrible week and another Christmas Cantata has arrived. I was looking forward to making new choir memories that were not steeped in so much sadness during this holiday season. This year, my boyfriend, Chuck, and I had the opportunity to sing a duet of the popular Christmas song Mary, Did You Know? I had never sung it before and I knew it might be a challenge because I had never even heard it sung by someone else.

Chuck was going to play the guitar as well. He found the chords online and we slowly started to put together a melody and harmony that we thought would work. The process became very interesting to me as the days and weeks went along. Anyone who knows me is aware that I have struggled to overcome a lot of my Type A tendencies in an effort to lead a more relaxed and fulfilling existence. When we were first putting the song together, I would drive Chuck crazy with all my questions about if we should do it more like this person or that person; or if we should do it more like how they do it on this YouTube video or that one.

He was so patient with me. What I learned from him as we went along was that as long as we both felt comfortable, liked the way it sounded, and FELT the music, nothing else really mattered.  All of a sudden there were no rules, no guidelines. We didn’t have to do the song as others had done it before us. We could make it our own.

About ten days before the Cantata, I had a very sudden and severe respiratory flare-up from the autoimmune disease I have. It was the worse I had experienced in a year and a half and it was one that would typically land me in the emergency room or worse yet, in the hospital. I really did not think I would be able to be well enough to sing at all on Cantata day. And I was upset, really upset. With the exception of a four week respite from my symptoms following a steroid injection, I was dealing with symptom flare-ups constantly and I was sick of it. It seemed like almost every time I tried to accomplish something that was important to me, I also had to contend with a medical crisis. The timing of this particular flare-up was horrendous because it was going to interfere with something I had poured my heart into. I tried to sit back and take the attitude of “it is what it is” but that only lasted about a day or so. I needed to get myself well enough to sing. I didn’t want to cheat Chuck or myself out of this experience together. I didn’t want to let my fellow choir members down.

There is something to be said for all the learning I have done to regards to managing this autoimmune illness. I talked to my pulmonologist and my acupuncturist and decided to step up my acupuncture treatments a bit and more importantly, go back to taking Chinese herbs. I called my speech therapist from a year and a half ago and she talked me through the techniques we had gone over at my previous appointments. I restarted the speech therapy at home with a vengeance. I doubled my effort to relieve some of the dryness caused by the Sjogren’s which I knew was making the situation worse.

Forty-eight hours and I was better, much better and as the days went by, my breathing not only improved, but my voice got stronger. I was diligent about protecting my vocal cords because I knew I was not yet 100%.

I should know better than to get too comfortable with my body when I do not have my illness under control. Two days before the Cantata and I noticed it was painful to eat. I looked in my mouth and saw that my inside right cheek was ridiculously swollen. From looking at it, it appeared I was having another flare-up of my parotid gland with a likely infection. I was also having terrible headaches and sinus pain with nasal discharge that also looked infected, which of course was affecting my voice.

After hours of trying to get a hold of my rheumatologist on a Saturday (I found out today that they don’t have weekend/night coverage), I just said to hell with it. I knew I had an infection and probably inflammation as I had been through this once before. I started myself on steroids and antibiotics which I luckily had extra supplies of at home.

Twenty-four hours later, Chuck and I sang that song.
And we sang it well.

Shocking considering I have, guess now I can say “had”, terrible stage fright. I had never sung with just one other person before. Usually I sing with a whole group of people and even that sometimes leaves me a little rattled. When Chuck and I ran through the song at choir rehearsal several days before the performance, I was responsible for holding our music because he was playing the guitar. My hands shook so bad when we rehearsed that we decided to use a music stand instead because otherwise he couldn’t follow the page with the words shaking all over!

That day that we sang that song though, I didn’t shake at all. Because this time, I looked at him while we were singing. I focused on him and the beautiful music that was coming from his heart. In those two and a half minutes, it was just him and I; not in a church with a LOT of people, but in the safe refuge that we call home.

There was something incredibly special about singing that song with Chuck. I know this sounds corny, but it truly has brought us closer together. We each have had more on our plates than usual lately which has resulted in a lot of stress and sleepless nights. Although I think we do well with supporting each other, practicing this song together night after night was a different way of supporting each other’s wellbeing and sanity. We had a common goal that didn’t involve job stress, health stress, financial issues, or relationship issues.

It was just us and the music.

It was our way of honoring Kathy.
It was our way to honor the upcoming birth of Jesus.
It was our way to give to the loving church community that we are involved with.
It was our way to give to each other…

Not just music, but love as well.

Mary, Did You Know?

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

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