Happy Summer, everyone! I had a great experience recently that I’d like to share with you. For those of you who are not familiar with the website The Mighty, it is a supportive, safe community for people, who deal with medical/health challenges. I have found many of their essays to be helpful to me personally, both for information and to read about struggles other people with illness face. I first heard of The Mighty many years ago and had considered submitting amd essay, but was too focused on my blog at the time.

Buying Tramadol Recently, a friend encouraged me to submit a piece of my writing to The Mighty and I did. I haven’t done a lot of formal writing recently (just journaling), and it felt so good to create something again.

follow link The essay is titled “I’m No Longer Ashamed of Using Disability Parking with an Invisible Illness” and I’m happy to report that it was published on The Mighty’s website earlier this month. If you are interested in reading it, I’m including it below. Happy reading!

watch I’m No Longer Ashamed of Using Disability Parking With an Invisible Ilness

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